Deadman ended, future seasons

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Kleio Send PM


Posts: 695

Deadman season has ended, thank you to everyone that has participated, I hope you had a good time. Special thanks to those who provided feedback on how to improve the event or reported issues.


Did you play deadman? If you did, please drop a comment!

It would be great if any participants could share any feedback about what they liked in the event, anything they did not like and share any ideas for future Deadman seasons. It's priceless to get feedback from players who actually spent time playing, here is interesting thread started by Meany Petis.


We have disabled all Deadmen characters, they will have their banks wiped and items from safety deposit box transferred to banks. As an additional thanks to the community we will not reduce stats this time for characters and convert them to regular ones without any XP loss.


We will be doing an audit of results and check for any cheating or abnormal behaviour since we had some reports. When all is done we will announce winners of each category. This should be done in a day or so.

Our ideas for next season

  • Two inventories - one for skilling, other for pk. It kind of sucked to skill and risk getting PK'ed, we would like to make it possible to be ready for all times. We're considering to make dedicated skilling and PKing inventories.
  • Anti-teaming measures. If you cast, range or mele attack anyone they will be your only possible opponent for a certain period of time. This will be communicated in the client interface, the player attacked will also be informed who is their opponent for a fight. If someone has an opponent, they won't be able to be attacked.
  • Improve fight tracking. We had some issues with wrong persons sometimes getting deadman kills, we rework how it is done for next season.
  • Firmly enforced 1IP, right now we verbally asked players to not have multiple characters, but did not have code in place to automatically enforce this.

You may expect next season to happen in 2-3 months, this time we will announce it in advance as well as have the prizes and goal defined.

Other development

Now that the season is over you can expect some QoL updates and Client update. What should we work on next? Suggestions?

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kweef Send PM


Posts: 75

Maybe you can fix the wilderness before you disappears again.

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Oprah123 Send PM


Posts: 53

kweef said:

Maybe you can fix the wilderness before you disappears again.

I couldn't agree more. This multi everywhere thing is a little out of control. Y'all got ppl camping obis for ppl doing clues so they can run you down and use multi alts for a guy in robes.. I get it's the wild but holy shit, do they need 4 alts to take down 1 guy in robes? I thought castle was unlimited alts and made for that kinda cancerous shit.


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eclectic Send PM


Posts: 9

1) new agility course in new member dungeon
2) Fishing spot for mantas/sea turtles in that same dungeon
3) move  the "login" and "remove" in the 10 autosaved login so the buttons are not so damn close to each other.
The worst when you hit remove by accident on ur account in middle of pking
4)Fort Needs to be incentivized/hs deleted.
5) No doors in wildy
6) Make slayer ammy not able to use for at least a minute like obelisk if you just died. The p2p hotspots are horrible all of them. Edge, Drag Pitt, Dungeon
All insanely bad. 1 square in edge and you're holding hotspot.
Drag pitt/Dungeon
people like WES will drop and be back 15 seconds later before you can even pick up loot. ready to pj.

7) Bring the "Anti teaming" thing you mentioned above to actual pk so people cant just run into npcs to avoid fights when they're engaged in a fight.

Last edited by eclectic (16 Jan 2023 19:23)

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weswillbe2 Send PM


Posts: 1

eclectic said:

1) new agility course in new member dungeon
2) Fishing spot for mantas/sea turtles in that same dungeon
3) move  the "login" and "remove" in the 10 autosaved login so the buttons are not so damn close to each other.
The worst when you hit remove by accident on ur account in middle of pking
4)Fort Needs to be incentivized/hs deleted.
5) No doors in wildy
6) Make slayer ammy not able to use for at least a minute like obelisk if you just died. The p2p hotspots are horrible all of them. Edge, Drag Pitt, Dungeon
All insanely bad. 1 square in edge and you're holding hotspot.
Drag pitt/Dungeon
people like WES will drop and be back 15 seconds later before you can even pick up loot. ready to pj.

7) Bring the "Anti teaming" thing you mentioned above to actual pk so people cant just run into npcs to avoid fights when they're engaged in a fight.

this is what we call living rent free folks holy shit

Meany Petis Send PM


Posts: 8

Oprah123 said:

kweef said:

Maybe you can fix the wilderness before you disappears again.

I couldn't agree more. This multi everywhere thing is a little out of control. Y'all got ppl camping obis for ppl doing clues so they can run you down and use multi alts for a guy in robes.. I get it's the wild but holy shit, do they need 4 alts to take down 1 guy in robes? I thought castle was unlimited alts and made for that kinda cancerous shit.

Oh shut up. You don’t even PK, never have, never will, doesn’t matter what the rules are. Just a troll. You’ve been here long enough to know we tried everything. Haven’t seen you in wild since you couldn’t hide behind o0o0o0o0 names so stay out of the PKing talk

Last edited by Meany Petis (16 Jan 2023 20:41)

Meany Petis Send PM


Posts: 8

Other than the suggestions I already made for DMM, I can’t see how it could be made any better.

I suggest 4 tourneys a year. Month each. March to the end of March. June to the end of June. September to end of September. December into new year. Similar prize pools, similar prizes.

I’ve seen a whole 2 people making a big fuss and making big shout with their alpha tendencies that it should be permanent. Yet to see a point ‘add other than “if you don’t wanna play, don’t play” and “if you don’t do it, another server will!”

Rev has done permenant dmm before and it went stale, same with osrs. Too much of a good thing can be bad and interfere with the main game as well. I’m open to discussion and being proved wrong but I can’t see anything good coming of having it as a permanent game mode. Someone change my mind

Meany Petis Send PM


Posts: 8

Dmm biggest room for improvement I think:

1. Obviously fix the combat mechanics. Very important.

2. Cheating. Be firm and precise. Before the tourney begins, make the rules absolutely clear. Don’t tell people you’ll be checking logs daily and then not do it. For the last week everyone has got away with cheating and using alts. From what I can tell, anyone who used alts it was strictly for PKing purposes. Not condoning it in any way shape or form. But due to the lack of management, I feel like punishing people at this stage is going to cause a shit storm. Make people aware of the fact you’re aware of the cheating and deception this season and make it clear it won’t be tolerated next season. And make sure you have a good dedicated team in place for the upcoming seasons who you can ensure can and will check logs each day and punish rule breakers.

Last edited by Meany Petis (16 Jan 2023 20:51)

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Rouge Angel Send PM


Posts: 4

Super fun event, this was great for non-pk players to up their skills as well. Loved all the different categories to earn rewards. All issues I had were discussed above already, but ultimately, it's just nitpicky things....this is just off the top the head but maybe if someone dies like 3 times with in a certain amount of time....make it where they cant lose exp for a period of time and cant be attack'd for a certain amount of time. This will allow monster farms the ability to farm atleast a little..people were teaming to gaurd dark wiz and made it impossible for anyone else to have a chance at would just make it a little more fair for solo DM...also limiting the exp drop after certain amout of death will prevent people from just dying to reset skills..makes people have to really be carful how they level the character...just some ideas.

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xfermepoop Send PM


Posts: 60

Rouge Angel said:

if someone dies like 3 times with in a certain amount of time....make it where they cant lose exp for a period of time and cant be attack'd for a certain amount of time. This will allow monster farms the ability to farm atleast a little.

Solid idea tbh, an hour immunity or something

And rather than giving out free gp late in the tournament, I'd say instead provide an immunity for accounts created after a certain stage of the tournament, 2-3 hours or something. With a start up stimulus check and immunity that's enough time to fill your deposit box tbh and get stuck in to the action


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Pray For You Send PM


Posts: 7

Dmm was fun! I was horrible and probably didn't win anything but I had a blast doing it. I came into dmm days late and all npcs were locked down and protected. It would be cool to see more progression rewards IE first one to 99 in a skill gets a relevant reward or highest xp in a skill at end wins a skill related prize.
I, like most other players have a family and can't play a lot, especially on weekends so even finding ways to make some things competitive for people that don't have 40 hours a week to play would help draw people in.
Some rewards that aren't for individuals only ie complete every quest gets you a buffed quest capes on your main that adds a new teleport to legends guild. And as many people as can do it gets that prize.
This makes dmm a way to upgrade our mains in a way that can't be bought. But you might have to choose what upgrades to go for before time runs out!

In other requests updating the bank interface would be so so helpful. It's too hard to organize! We need tabs or something to help organize all that we've collected over the years!

Thanks for the event I look forward to more!

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Oprah123 Send PM


Posts: 53

Meany Petis said:

Oprah123 said:

kweef said:

Maybe you can fix the wilderness before you disappears again.

I couldn't agree more. This multi everywhere thing is a little out of control. Y'all got ppl camping obis for ppl doing clues so they can run you down and use multi alts for a guy in robes.. I get it's the wild but holy shit, do they need 4 alts to take down 1 guy in robes? I thought castle was unlimited alts and made for that kinda cancerous shit.

Oh shut up. You don’t even PK, never have, never will, doesn’t matter what the rules are. Just a troll. You’ve been here long enough to know we tried everything. Haven’t seen you in wild since you couldn’t hide behind o0o0o0o0 names so stay out of the PKing talk

The fuck you on about? I'm in the wild right now.. I play on droid. I say send the alts to castle, it was literally made to suck off that bull shit.


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Vulgur Send PM


Posts: 2

This Deadman tournamemt was the most fun i had on this game since i was a weee lad. Great job.

I see aome great ideas above. The protection for an hour after dieing could be exploited but im sure you guys will think that through and make appropriate fail safe's. Skilling bank to hold only raw materials and skilling items might be the best way. Or just making some skilling items not go into the your deadman key.

Again, thanks for the hard work im sure this has been to run. I look forward to the next one.

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Antmann Send PM


Posts: 71

Make it to where you can't sit in a bank 24/7 to get coins and experience. If you are in a "safe" zone then you shouldn't get any benefits. Make the radius around the safe zone to be wider in a way not to gain xp or coins until you are a certain distance away.

Meany Petis Send PM


Posts: 8

Antmann said:

Make it to where you can't sit in a bank 24/7 to get coins and experience. If you are in a "safe" zone then you shouldn't get any benefits. Make the radius around the safe zone to be wider in a way not to gain xp or coins until you are a certain distance away.

If it’s xp or coins you’re worried about then only the greater demons in edge make a difference, which with the areas we are restricted to we shouldn’t be able to kill those (although there is a stray one in fally party room)

Actually the guards this year was an issue, right next to a safe zone in 1v1, at least the imps was in multi (best place to kill those was on edge)

I can’t think of anything else significant you can do in a safe zone to gain xp or coins, other than skilling, which requires leaving the safe zone to gather materials unless ur fishing shrimps in lumb

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Synbios Send PM


Posts: 406

Meany Petis said:

Antmann said:

Make it to where you can't sit in a bank 24/7 to get coins and experience. If you are in a "safe" zone then you shouldn't get any benefits. Make the radius around the safe zone to be wider in a way not to gain xp or coins until you are a certain distance away.

If it’s xp or coins you’re worried about then only the greater demons in edge make a difference, which with the areas we are restricted to we shouldn’t be able to kill those (although there is a stray one in fally party room)

Actually the guards this year was an issue, right next to a safe zone in 1v1, at least the imps was in multi (best place to kill those was on edge)

I can’t think of anything else significant you can do in a safe zone to gain xp or coins, other than skilling, which requires leaving the safe zone to gather materials unless ur fishing shrimps in lumb

To appeal to the widest range of players though, it's ok to have a few low risk and super low risk prizes. The reward for them wasn't huge, and anything to draw in extra participants is a good thing. The very best rewards should be in extremely risky areas to crank up the action, absolutely. That's a given.

Ranging the greater demons was kinda bullshit though. I stayed 1 range the whole event so I didn't abuse that. XD I tried to go buy a bow in varrock twice and got pked, then said fk it because I didn't have a lot of time to train anyway. Hell it was over 2 weeks in before I even hit lvl 60.

What I really find amazing is that people had full rune and r2h before they gave out the 250k GP. I barely was able to farm enough GP for addy 2H during that time!

I think they should add like a 1-3 hour daily training limit so the people with 18 hours a day to blow don't have such a huge advantage. They can run around and pk all they want, but after you hit your daily cap you can't gain XP or GP drops.

Last edited by Synbios (18 Jan 2023 04:22)

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xfermepoop Send PM


Posts: 60

Yea man, well said, hard to disagree, prizes like that encourage people who normally wouldn't dream of PKing / playing this game mode to have a go, the more people playing the better for sure even if PKing isn't their main interest. The greater demons was the only thing that really ruined the integrity of the game mode. There's really not anything else significant that's achievable in a safezone, except maybe smithing in Lumby but again, materials need to be gathered first which adds risk.

I like the idea of a daily immunity for sure, whether it's after x amount of deaths, or just a serverwide daily immunity per player, 1 hour /90 mins or something, enough time to farm some quick gp, can't be attacked or attack anyone in any way, like you say for those without the chance to play as much it will be helpful and it wouldn't be hugely benneficial to those with more hours to throw at this. And any stimulus checks IMO should be given out at the start, not during, as not to screw with any PK stats.
