A wise man once told me that there are only two types of people in this world - rich edge sitters and peasants.
You must choose your destiny.
It took me many months and thousands of interviews (people with at least 1B net worth) to compile this list of advice/strategies to maximize your pixel hugging experience.
At first I was hesitant to share these insider's secrets, but as best pk in the game, I felt obligated to help others become professional pixel huggers.
1). First off you are going to need at least a Party Hat - nobody respects you if they don't see that tiny crown on your head. You can either merch, pvm, scam, pretend to be a girl, send a check to n0m, or whatever it takes to get that piece of pixel on your head. Remember: success favors people who get sh*t done. Don't be a peasant, get a Party Hat on your head. The darker the hat color the more swag you will have.
2). Next you are going to need to find your own square at edgeville to stand on. This will be your spot for the remainder of your RSCRevolution career. You will not leave this spot under any circumstances, with the exception of free stuff, drop parties, events... basically anything that increases your wealth without any risk of you losing pixel (don't stake or PK). It's best you just never set foot in the wilderness and block your duel requests.
3). Choosing your edge sitting spot: remember this spot defines who you are. Your pixel hugging street cred is on the line. You must embrace this square and make love to it on a daily basis. It is paramount you choose a location that brings a lot of attention. If anyone dares to stand on your square, you must get them off that square at all cost. Choose a location where there is a lot of traffic to showcase your wealth.
4). Once you have solidified your edge sitting location, the next step is continued accumulation of pixel. Your best friends are the auction house and global chat. Purchase the cheapest items you can find and sell them for a price that anyone celebrating Hanukkah would be proud of. ALWAYS settle for less. For example, if someone is offering to sell you an R2h at alch price, bargain to buy below alch price. Perhaps they will take pity on you and give you that R2h for free. This brings me to my next tip: anonymous begging.
5). Anonymous Begging - there are plenty of kind and generous folks in RSCR. You just have to persistently seek them. They'll be more likely to give you free stuff if they think you're a NOOB. This is where strategy comes into play. Make as many new accounts as you can and wear tutorial island stuff. Then on global chat ask people stupid questions like, "Hi i'm new how can I get a weapon or armour to train"? Eventually some sucker will bite and offer you free stuff. Take advantage and cling onto them until you suck them dry, like a vampire who hasn't feasted in weeks. They'll never know your main account is a successful pixel hugging machine. Jokes on them haha!!!
6). Competition - unfortunately, you will not be the only flex offender at Edgeville. There are others like you who seek in-game wealth to fill in their gap of insecurities. These people are possibly the cheapest and most devious people in the game. You should feel proud of being in the same league as them. They are your friends, but also your worst enemies. If they inquire about your ingame wealth, just pretend you're "not that rich" and ask them if they can help you acquire some items. It's not shameful to pretend to be poor and beg, it's humility to know you're rich but want to become richer.
7). Charity - "Should I donate for events to help other people have an enjoyable experience?" The word "Donate" should not even be in your personal vocabulary. In order to have a successful pixel hugging experience, you must mentally block these words from your mind: charity, free, events, donate... unless you are at the receiving end to benefit from it. However, I do encourage you to convince other people to donate for events, and ALWAYS participate in these events. You can use alt account if you don't want people to think you're a greedy edge sitter.
8) Diversity Flexing - Sun Tzu Art of Pixel Hugging #69: "it is of utmost important that people don't think you're a 1-hat-wonder". You must flex other rares occasionally to let them know you have other investments, regardless if you truly have them or not. Occasionally type in chat "buying 100 phats" (obviously you can't afford this much, but people won't know) to inflate your net worth.
9) Merching effectively - ALWAYS MERCH. BUY LOW, SELL SUPER HIGH. Mark the dates on your calendar for special holiday events. They usually host double exp and other lucrative events. You can stock up on consumables like Dragon Bones, Subscription Cards, etc to sell during double exp.
This is not a comprehensive list, but it will help you get started in becoming an RSCR pixel hugger.
I wish you the best and leave you with a quote from one of the wisest and most successful pixel huggers in the game: Mad Zeonk - "No money, No Honey"