Anagram clue List
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Clue Lists:
Equipment and Cryptic
Hard Dig locations
Quick guide on a few clues
LinkAnagram clues A-Z:
A gamer felony ==== Morgan LeFaye ( located inside Keep LeFaye) (
Alpha Nerd Ever ==== Ranalph Devere (lower Legends caverns)
NOTE: Don't recall ever getting this one..would be Hard if soEasy- A Tinker ==== Katrine (southern Varrock)
Easy- Are Col ==== Oracle (found on Ice Mountain)
Medium- Air hen ==== arhein (found on the docks in Catherby)
Medium- Albino Cribs ==== Bob Sinclair (Sinclair Mansion)
Medium- Asia Wring ==== Sir Gawain (Camelot Castle)
Medium- An Earl ==== Ranael ( Ranael's Plateskirt Shop, located in southeastern Al Kharid)
Medium- A Guam Akin ==== Kangai Mau ( Shrimp and Parrot restaurant in Brimhaven)
Medium- A Baker ==== Baraek (located in Varrock Square)
Medium- A cranial inns ==== Anna Sinclair (Sinclair Mansion)
Hard- A Waterhole Infest ==== Alfonse The Waiter ( The Shrimp and Parrot at Brimhaven)
Hard- And Faced Mr Worm - Dwarf Commander (Captain Lawgof or dwarf commander is a dwarf found south of the Coal Trucks)
Hard- A Deb Reverts Rune Tight ==== Sigbert The Adventurer (end of the Yanille agility dungeon)
Hard- A Gentle Zen Boner ==== General Bentnoze (generals of Goblin village)
Hard- A Feather Spiting Horn ==== High Priest of Entrana (on Entrana)
Hard- A passion lemons ==== Poison Salesman (between camelot and seers)
Hard- A Basic Anti Pot ==== Captain Tobias (docks of Port Sarim)
Hard- A Zebra Chili Listen ==== Elizabeth Sinclair (Sinclair Mansion)
Medium- Beaver Thug Thorn ==== Gunthor The Brave (Barbarian Village's Meeting Hall)
Medium- by look ==== bolkoy (tree gnome village by general store)
Medium- Bail Mash ==== al shabim ( involved in the Tourist Trap quest- Location Bedabin Camp)
Medium- Bail Trims ==== Brimstail (Brimstail's cave at the southwest part of the Tree Gnome Stronghold, near the river.)
Medium- Balboa Gently ==== Abbot Langley (ground floor of the Monastery)
Hard- Beakers Bell ==== Kebab Seller (The Kebab Seller can be found in Al Kharid)
Hard- Beguilded Mud Fork ==== Duke of Lumbridge (Duke..in Lumby...If you cant find him..quit)
Hard- Banana Crab Pity ==== Captain Barnaby (sails the ship from East Ardougne to Brimhaven)
Medium- Corny rotunda ==== Count Draynor (crypt below Draynor Manor )
Medium- Centrail Soil ==== Sir Lancelot (A knight of the round table)
Medium- Cosmic Fetus For ==== Customs Officer (found at the ship which leaves Karamja for Port Sarim)
Medium- Chapel rune ==== Leprechaun (searching a tree near the Adventurers in the Lumbridge Swamp.)
Hard- Creamed Lank ==== Candlemaker ( located in Catherby that sells Candles in his Candle Shop)
Hard- Cad Rains Livid ==== David Sinclair (Sinclair Mansion)
Hard- Cocktail He Hero ==== Charlie The Cook (The Shrimp and Parrot in Brimhaven)
Hard- Catch Smoother Error ==== Thormac The Sorcerer (upstairs in the Sorcerors' Tower, south of seers)
Hard- Clinical Roars ==== Carol Sinclair (Sinclair Mansion)
Easy- Daily elk ==== lady Keli (east of draynor village bank in the jail)
Medium- Drab nerd freak ==== Redbeard Frank ( pirate found in Port Sarim)
Hard- Dislikes Rare Rum ==== Sir Radimus Erkle (in charge of the Legends' Guild)
Hard- Dual Nil ==== Lundail (He runs the Mage Arena Rune Shop)
Hard- Dab threw Foot ==== Boot the Dwarf (Boot is a dwarf located in the Dwarven Mines)
Hard- Dancer Virgin Trim ==== Mining Cart Driver (Desert Mining Camp -need metal key to get in after quest)
Easy Virgin ==== Irvig Senay (He is one of the three spirits in lower Legends caverns) NOTE: Don't recall ever getting this one..
Easy- eh or ==== Hero (ardy or legends)
Easy- El i jut ==== Juliet (west of western bank of varrock)
Easy- el ow ==== lowe ( Lowe's Archery Store in eastern Varrock)
Medium- End Mod ==== Edmond (East Ardougne)
Medium- Enjoy nerd bath ==== Jonny the beard (resides in the blue moon inn in Varrock)
Medium- eek zero op ==== zoo keeper (adry)
Medium- En avail ==== Valaine (She runs the champion's store)
Medium- Earns Elk ==== Klarense (Port sarim; He is the owner of the damaged ship, the Lumbridge Lady, and sells it to the player for 2000 coins during the Dragon Slayer quest (must have started it for him to spawn, so requires 32 QP)
Medium- Faith Heed ==== Head Thief (Ardougne sewers, entry is the one south East of ardy, ladder by the iron mines)
Hard- Fear Brr Tummy ==== Farmer Brumty (sheep)
Hard- France Wandering None ==== Dwarf Cannon Engineer (entrance to Dwarven Mine - need to do dwarven cannon quest to get through door)
Hard- Farmer Thesis ==== Master fisher (outside fish guild north of ardy)
Hard- Frozen Ward Music ==== Wizard Frumscone (Wizards' Guild's basemen (Not tower))
Hard- Feign Shirk ==== Fisher King (Fisher King realm, need magic wistle, can buy one from legends store, or someone said dranor mansion 3rd flood)
Easy- Go rod ==== drogo (Dwarven Mines )
Medium- Gin Wham Hay ==== Highwayman (few places, south of fally is one)
Medium- Gal Ark ==== Kalrag (underground pass)
Medium- grime adults ==== Guildmaster (located in the Champions' Guild)
Easy- Halt Us ==== Luthas (banana plantation on Musa Point)
Easy- Hazes en ==== zenesha (ardougne plate skirt shop)
Medium- Hails East ==== Thessalia (Thessalia's Fine Clothes Varrock)
Medium- Herb order jet - brother jered (in upstairs edge monastery)
Medium- hindi times ==== Dimintheis (south-eastern Varrock )
Medium-Hydrogenate wrens ==== wyson the gardener (fally)
Medium- Hey run ===== Urhney (Lumbridge Swamp)
Medium- Handled Tony ==== Donny The Lad (Bandit Camp in the Wilderness)
Medium- Hen air ==== Arhein (docks in Catherby)
Medium- Hare Fine ==== fernahei (fishing shop owner in Shilo Village)
Medium- Hick jet ==== Jethick (West Ardougne)
Hard- Housecoat Kilo ==== louisa The Cook (Sinclair Mansion)
Hard- Herb Correct Id ==== Brother Cedric (South of East Ardougne)
Hard- Herbal Hard Goat ==== Brother Galahad (He lives to the west of McGrubor's Wood)
Hard- Hurrah Moreover Kit ==== Horvik The Armourer (Varrock)
Hard- Hat Ani I No ==== Othainian (Othainian is a powerful demon found deep in the Underground Pass)
Hard- Hazed Mr Metal ==== Melzar The Mad (Melzar the mad is a monster encountered during the Dragon Slayer quest.)
Easy- Idle van ==== evil Dan (south east varrock)
Easy- in sri spry ==== Sir Prysin (varrock castle)
Medium- if me === femi (beside a cart just south of the Gnome Stronghold gate)
Medium- Jives Nils Rut ==== Justin Servil (located in the Fight Arena)
Medium- Karma gee move ==== Make over mage (south west of fally)
Hard- Laundry Fire Win ==== Fairy Lunderwin (Fairy Lunderwin can be found in the Zanaris marketplace - diamond to get in)
Hard- Lethal Poker Ex Rev ==== Velrak The Explorer (Black Knight's jail in the Taverley dungeon)
Easy- Moans ==== Osman (n Al Kharid)
Easy- Moore ==== Romeo (varrock square)
Easy- mr pat ==== Tramp ( south Varrock)
Easy- mr hard feet ==== fred the farmer ( found on the path between Lumbridge and Draynor Village)
Medium- Midyear Math ==== Mary The Maid (Sinclair Mansion)
Medium- Me if ==== Femi (stands beside a cart just south of the Gnome Stronghold gate.)
Medium- Motherboard ==== Brother Omad (Monastery south of East Ardougne)
Hard- Mr Jersey live ==== Jeremy Servil ( located in the Fight Arena)
Easy- No gram ==== morgan (Morgan is a NPC who resides in Draynor Village)
Medium- No Thick ==== Hickton (Catherby)
Medium- Nobler ==== bolren (king of the Tree Gnome Village gnomes)
Medium- Notarized raw birth ==== Traiborn the wizard (located in the Wizard's Tower)
Medium- Nirvana Optic ==== Captain Rovin (upstairs in the Varrock Castle.)
Hard- Nerdiest hon ==== Ted Rehnison (He lives in West Ardougne)
Easy- ok co ==== cook (lumby castle)
Easy- our cart ==== curator (varrock museum)
Easy- older ==== Reldo ( librarian located in Varrock Palace)
Medium- On tafy ==== Fat Tony (found operating his store in the Wilderness Bandit Camp)
Medium- Old nook i ==== kolodion (Kolodion is a wizard at the Mage Arena)
Easy- Peaks ==== Peksa (barbarian village, he sells helmets)
Hard- Pack Drag Jan ==== Grandpa Jack (south of East Ardougne Zoo near Clock Tower)
Easy- que sir ==== squire (Sir Vyvin's squire fally)
Easy- Ref Mr Hard Feet ==== Fred the Farmer (path between Lumbridge and Draynor Village)
Easy- Re Moo ==== Romeo (varrock)
Easy- rant en ==== tanner (Al Kharid)
Easy- Rave Coin ==== Veronica (entrance to Draynor Manor)
Easy- Rica Oho ==== Horacio (located in East Ardougne)
Easy- Rims or ==== morris (located at the gates of Hemenster-fishing contest)
Medium- Race Lion ==== Caroline (coast east of East Ardougne)
Medium- Raking Hurt ==== King Arthur (King Arthur is the king of Camelot...Duh)
Medium- Raze Via Smirk ==== Sir Amik Varze (second floor of the White Knights Castle in Falador)
Medium- Recon ==== Crone (entrana)
Medium- Realism sonar ==== Seaman Lorris (Port Sarim docks)
Medium- Restrainers Sting ==== Sinister stranger ( found inside the Fishing Context area in Hemenster)
Medium- Rho Drawl ==== dr harlow (found in the Jolly Boar Inn near varrock wild)
Hard- Repack living ==== king percival (rules the Fisher King Realm)
Hard- Radar Squid Lour ==== Lord Darquarius (commands the Black Knights located in Taverley dungeon.)
Hard- Robot Jerk Ho ==== Brother Kojo ( Clock Tower (building))
Hard- Reeee tarded (ignorant) Kanz Brah ==== Khazard Bartender ( Fight Arena Bar, located in southeast corner of Fight Arena and very close to Yanille dungeon entrance and Fight Arena mine.)
Hard- Rascal Fin Rink - Frank Sinclair (Sinclair Mansion)
Easy- Sash An ==== Hassan (Hassan is found in Al Kharid.)
Easy- Sere ==== seer (seers village)
Easy- Sir pet ==== priest (lumbridge church)
Easy- Snah ==== Hans (lumbridge castle first floor)
Medium- Sally Diver ==== Lady servil (northeast corner of the Fight Arena)
Medium- Soul Liege ==== Louie Legs (eastern side of Al Kharid)
Medium- Spoons Riot Defenders ==== Professor Oddenstein (Ernest the Chicken quest, Draynor Manor)
Hard- Tzar Ozone ==== Noterazzo ( bandit camp)
Medium- Ur bay u ==== Aubury (Aubury's Rune Shop in southeastern Varrock.)
Viral prices ==== Sir Percival? (someone said it wasnt..i think he only comes during quest? so unsure)
Medium- Welfare Chanter ==== Father Lawrence. (Varrock Church)
Hard- Wrapped Knee Hovers ==== Dwarven Shopkeeper ( in the Dwarven Mine. He runs a General Store)
Easy- yacht opera ==== apothecary (south-western Varrock)
Easy- Zigzag Mid Row ==== Wizard Mizgog (Wizard's Tower and can be found on the third floor)