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Ranking for Rosswell Pk
Combat 72
Total Level 400
Total Experience 6,754,771
Kills / Deaths 5 / 1
Title Member
Mode Regular
Skill Level Experience
* Attack 77 1,558,720
* Defense 40 37,361
* Strength 80 1,988,589
* Hits 74 1,194,538
* Ranged 79 1,947,704
* Prayer 37 27,859
* Magic 1 0
* Cooking 1 0
* Woodcut 1 0
* Fletching 1 0
* Fishing 1 0
* Firemaking 1 0
* Crafting 1 0
* Smithing 1 0
* Mining 1 0
* Herblaw 1 0
* Agility 1 0
* Thieving 1 0
* Slayer 1 0
* Runecrafting 1 0
* Farming 1 0
Statistic Count
casts_on_point 366
casts_total 522
catch_fail 116
catch_success 14
combat_logouts 19
duel_losses 1
Man(Lv:9) kills 281
Imp(Lv:5) kills 209
Black Knight(Lv:46) kills 10
chaos Dwarf(Lv:59) kills 1
mugger(Lv:10) kills 9
Giant Spider(Lv:8) kills 1
Thug(Lv:18) kills 80
Jailer(Lv:51) kills 3
Poison Scorpion(Lv:26) kills 5
Black Dragon(Lv:190) kills 421
Monk of Zamorak(Lv:47) kills 1
Animated axe(Lv:46) kills 5
Chicken(Lv:1) kills 2275
skeleton(Lv:21) kills 2
Giant bat(Lv:32) kills 1
skeleton(Lv:25) kills 1
Rat(Lv:13) kills 7148
skeleton(Lv:19) kills 715
Giant(Lv:37) kills 147
Goblin(Lv:7) kills 231
farmer(Lv:15) kills 9
Hobgoblin(Lv:32) kills 10
Scorpion(Lv:21) kills 2
Barbarian(Lv:16) kills 8
Gunthor the Brave(Lv:37) kills 2
skulled_kills 2
tiles_walked 25057
tournaments_won 2