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Ranking for Paltrow519
Combat 117
Total Level 1346
Total Experience 93,969,913
Kills / Deaths 1 / 14
Title Member
Mode Regular
Skill Level Experience
* Attack 99 13,597,435
* Defense 99 13,615,273
* Strength 99 14,480,227
* Hits 99 13,612,358
* Ranged 43 52,507
* Prayer 56 188,260
* Magic 94 8,018,471
* Cooking 89 5,109,100
* Woodcut 74 1,178,784
* Fletching 72 938,636
* Fishing 88 4,428,364
* Firemaking 24 7,109
* Crafting 63 371,472
* Smithing 99 13,078,077
* Mining 85 3,415,273
* Herblaw 30 13,532
* Agility 55 174,845
* Thieving 78 1,690,190
* Slayer 1 0
* Runecrafting 1 0
* Farming 1 0
Statistic Count
casts_on_point 3
casts_too_early 1
casts_total 10
combat_logouts 1
White Knight(Lv:56) kills 1
Red Dragon(Lv:145) kills 205
Poison Spider(Lv:63) kills 1
King Black Dragon(Lv:245) kills 5
Scorpion(Lv:21) kills 2
Wizard(Lv:16) kills 1
Vendelt the Light(Lv:123) kills 1
Majarch the Kind(Lv:123) kills 1
Reinhardt the Good(Lv:123) kills 1
Ashera the Bold(Lv:123) kills 1
tiles_walked 3553