Player Search

Ranking for Lummyxpress
Combat 113
Total Level 731
Total Experience 49,265,612
Kills / Deaths 0 / 3
Title Member
Mode Regular
Skill Level Experience
* Attack 99 13,093,537
* Defense 97 10,749,380
* Strength 98 12,132,182
* Hits 98 11,966,465
* Ranged 1 0
* Prayer 55 182,825
* Magic 69 697,013
* Cooking 59 260,790
* Woodcut 36 24,922
* Fletching 1 0
* Fishing 52 135,020
* Firemaking 11 1,443
* Crafting 33 19,153
* Smithing 1 0
* Mining 15 2,600
* Herblaw 3 250
* Agility 1 0
* Thieving 1 32
* Slayer 1 0
* Runecrafting 1 0
* Farming 1 0
Statistic Count
casts_on_point 28
casts_total 76
catch_fail 6
combat_logouts 3
Man(Lv:9) kills 1
Rat(Lv:13) kills 1
Ghost(Lv:25) kills 1
skeleton(Lv:31) kills 1
zombie(Lv:32) kills 1
Lesser Demon(Lv:79) kills 1
Melzar the mad(Lv:45) kills 1
chaos Dwarf(Lv:59) kills 1
Dragon(Lv:110) kills 1
Suit of armour(Lv:0) kills 2
zombie(Lv:32) kills 19
Thug(Lv:18) kills 3334
skeleton(Lv:31) kills 1
Rat(Lv:13) kills 5
skeleton(Lv:19) kills 1
Ghost(Lv:25) kills 5
Black Knight(Lv:46) kills 1
Scorpion(Lv:21) kills 4
Bear(Lv:24) kills 1
Snowman Boss(Lv:1) kills 1
tiles_walked 11115