Player Search

Ranking for B 0
Combat 118
Total Level 813
Total Experience 63,599,090
Kills / Deaths 65 / 73
Title Member
Mode Regular
Skill Level Experience
* Attack 99 17,218,744
* Defense 99 13,408,241
* Strength 99 14,381,984
* Hits 99 14,936,536
* Ranged 1 0
* Prayer 70 773,374
* Magic 82 2,617,830
* Cooking 12 1,830
* Woodcut 36 25,275
* Fletching 1 0
* Fishing 10 1,200
* Firemaking 2 162
* Crafting 43 54,831
* Smithing 44 57,432
* Mining 44 56,172
* Herblaw 1 0
* Agility 25 8,126
* Thieving 44 57,353
* Slayer 1 0
* Runecrafting 1 0
* Farming 1 0
Statistic Count
casts_on_point 3854
casts_total 5762
catch_fail 292
catch_success 290
combat_logouts 7
deathmatch_losses 24
deathmatch_wins 6
duel_wins 1
hotspot_holdtime 90
Imp(Lv:5) kills 5
Bear(Lv:26) kills 1
chaos Dwarf(Lv:59) kills 1
Dark Warrior(Lv:21) kills 2
Red Dragon(Lv:145) kills 307
Blue Dragon(Lv:105) kills 3
Baby Blue Dragon(Lv:50) kills 3
Suit of armour(Lv:0) kills 4
Lesser Demon(Lv:79) kills 7
Jailer(Lv:51) kills 1
Poison Scorpion(Lv:26) kills 3
Black Demon(Lv:152) kills 173
Black Dragon(Lv:190) kills 17
Poison Spider(Lv:63) kills 9
Monk of Zamorak(Lv:47) kills 3
skeleton(Lv:31) kills 2
skeleton(Lv:25) kills 73
Rat(Lv:13) kills 26
Ghost(Lv:25) kills 9
Scorpion(Lv:21) kills 44
Giant Spider(Lv:31) kills 1
Snowman Boss(Lv:1) kills 4
Fort Greater(Lv:87) kills 1
pk_casts_fail 6
pk_casts_on_point 187
pk_casts_total 776
skulled_kills 28
tiles_walked 37703