Theres quite a few problems with pking as it is right now and I would like other PKers to reply to this topic and hear their thoughts.
Few ideas to make PKing better for everyone.
1. Maging while running. Thats a thing. It shouldnt be. A lot of people have complained about it but nothing has been done. Why is it bad? Let me break it down to you.
Example. I was just minding my own business trying to pick fights with noobs at fort. Brave as I am I didnt hesitate to fight 2 players in fort while being all alone. Wilderness is a scary place but man let me tell you... I was everything but afraid. One of them was flats, the other one was level 100 so it wasnt that bad being flats myself. Next thing you know theres 4 players on me. Alright. Time to run, nothing to win, I can only lose. I run out of the fort. First attempt to run and I get away! Now guys, we are talking about 3 flats and a level 100 on my ass all of them maging me. Getting away 4vs1 is unacceptable. This tells you alot about the pking skills these players who probably would like to stay anonymous got. You have to take into consideration that the east side of fort is crowded with trees so catching is easier than most areas of the wild. So there I am, running away with 10 swordfish and full HP left. But they keep maging me. Maging and not losing squares, thats a problem. I keep running, I make it all the way from fort to lessers demon cage. I cant do anything about it. These players didnt have a skill to take me down even with numbers. I cant log out, I cant do anything. They just "bug abuse" me to death. Yeah, its not a bug...technically, since no one has been willing to do anything about it so far.
The catching part. Catching is so much easier than it was in RSC. You dont have "PID" so everyone has catch on everyone all the time. The server runs smooth enough for everyone to be able to atleast 2square catch. You can hold attack menu open for whatever time, it doesnt matter. Basically you can do anything as long as the distance from the player being caught is less than 2 squares. The year is 2018, everone has good connection. Its no longer 256kbit connection like it might have been for alot of players back in 2001. So why oh why do we reward maging to death? Failing a catch should be a punishment. If you have half of the food left and you "get away" but are still maged to death something has gone terribly wrong.
Obvious suggestions to make it better for everyone.
A) Make it lose 1 square just like it did in RSC
B) Make it possible to logout after 10 seconds when youre not in combat JUST LIKE IT WAS IN RSC.
Right now you cant really blame anyone for logging out. Cmon, the map cuts, the NPCS, the running while maging. Its very very stupid. You rarely lose a square while running. Its only good for PKing in numbers and noobs. It doesnt require any skill at all. If youre a PKer and you read this post, please leave your opinion.
2. Android advantage.
Autocasting. Not cool. Either make it autocast for PC as well (please dont, im kidding) or remove the option. Or... make the time to cast a bit slower. Its not hard to just tap on a button. It makes 1vs1 ridiculously unfair. Its so bad at this point theres really no point to 1vs1 vs android users. PKers log out from PC and go on droid for 1vs1. Thats the reality. They have an edge tapping a button + quick bow change. I say just make it a bit slower for android since its so easy to have a perfect cast and STILL BEING ABLE TO cast while eating. Android is an addition and its a PC game. And lets face it, most of us have iphones not androids anyways so why reward these players. NOT COOL.
If youre a PKer and you read this post, please leave your opinion.