I'll back every one of these suggestions.
1. Why, is there no benefit to farming in wild. The benefit to skull vs just afk 3 item is a joke.
It should be 2.0x+ for skulled players. There is so many NPC's in every spot and it's so easy to get sick XP just wearing an ammy and a weapon while a skulled player risks everything, that needs to change. Less NPC's and higher XP rate if you're skulled will encourage people to actually fight each other! Not just sit and talk about how they're planning on getting the supplies for 87 crafting
2. Why make Stakers/pkers have to Skill/quest to wear Dragon axe and plate and other quests items to use in wild.
I've quested on 2 account's and I wouldn't even be opposed to this change. We've been doing these quests for 15 years.. it's not enjoyable to do. The option to do the quest should be obviously left available but a option to gain dragon weapons at a more costly rate if you don't want to do the quest and just want to PK.
3. Hotspot
Great idea. Maybe then people will actually fight for it! If there's more than 4 players in the hotspot, that means people actually have to fight to keep getting it! Who would have ever thought the hotspot was made for fighting, when does that ever happen anymore. It's the same 20 man team ''hay man got room on hotspot plz????''
4. Mad Zeonk
I agree, a skull is enough of a price to pay to teleport to the wild. I'm sure there are better opportunities for gold sinks than this, I fully appreciate all the changes N0m/Fate already made to Mad Zeonk but can fail to see the point in lowering the 3k fee to 1.5k rather than removing it completely.
5. Protect Item
Agree'd - you can waste 1-2m a day if you go hard PKing on those levels and even getting plenty of kills it's just too big of a loss. Looting there ammies only does so much to someones bank the fact they can straight 3hit runies while they risk nothing, I agree, it sucks. Pure's are too easy to train to have the advantage like that, I like your idea of the 25% chance of it working if the inventory isn't worth over 75k, will bring a good balance to that level of PKing and make it actually worth doing. I personally don't bother atm
6. Reskulling
I'm assuming this was fixed in the most recent Mad Zeonk update?? I haven't seen anyone do it yet but I could be wrong but it's fairly self explanatory, if you're continuously owning someone they shouldn't be able to come back with no skull and risk nothing vs your everything.
7. Border Pking
I've been saying this for probably 6 months or whatever since they first made it, 1-5 wild is a tactical area of the wilderness for castle PKers... I know at the moment it's only in 1 wild but this still has a huge impact on wars (which is where people seem to have the most fun PKing might I add), especially high levels, considering the way they normally work is everyone runs to the border, I can't see how it's fair that in a huge ass war you can catch your prey from 10-2 then they get out no food because they can't be re-attacked by a team mate. The area across the bridge at Varrock is a perfect place to have a 1v1 stipulations area, Castle is the most popular PKing hotspot, why have it anywhere near there.
I hope this helps. I have not been playing much recently, not necessarily because I don't have the time but because I lack the motivation, 7 of the reasons for that are listed above, I have plenty more like the 30 people who team up together to fight the same 8 or 9 people then don't fight each other, the way how people have one fight and give up but if these updates were implemented it makes it somewhat possible to compete. And before any of you queers get a boner I don't mean compete against your skill levels. These changes will benefit PKers, it won't benefit skillers who think they are PKers and that's who you will see -1'ing these posts.