The results of the competition and how to collect prizes are below. What remains is the question over what to do with the Deadman accounts now?
If you had a deadman subscription it has been extended to the end of August. All characters are now unbanned and free to you use again as Deadman up to 123 combat. This will last until the next competition is announced some time next year.
To collect your prizes please open a ticket stating the following:
Deadman name: Player account: (Please no ironman etc) These will be then processed manually by Terror.
So here are the results of this Deadman competition:
DMM_gold_won (while raiding banks victims banks):
1st: 150M + Draco Whip 14,732,539 xavier
2nd: 100M + 30 Diamond Pinata 12,220,286 Dmm Time
3rd: 50M + 30 Gold Pinata 7,304,298 hopesless
DMM_gold_lost (while getting your bank raided from death) - holy symbol of resurrection 10,702,558 Dmm Time
DMM_keys_used - 3 x Disk of reset 244 xavier
DMM_fires_lit - 30 smelting eggs 36 King Dead
DMM_feathers_gathered - 20k Rune Arrows 3527 Crispys Dead
DMM_spells_casted - 30k Death Runes 14606 Who Diss
DMM_coins_from_npcs_received - 10 mill gp 20125314 I R Dead
DMM_arrows_shot - 10 Banana Eggs 125142 Crispys Dead
DMM_raw_swordfish_caught - Perm Cooked fish perk enabled on one account for a year (regular accounts only) 13250 Deadjimb
DMM_coal_mined - 30 mining eggs 16556 xavier
DMM_runite_mined - OG Scythe 1002 xavier
DMM_r2h_made - 100 rune sets 16 Dropdeadfred
The overall winner as picked by Kleio and Terror is Xavier, please contact Terror on Discord to discuss your prize.
Most kills for:
Imp(Lv:5) - Rainbow Phat - 2021 Bagmitten
Cow(Lv:8) - White Phat - 13196 Who Diss
Darkwizard(Lv:13)- Black Phat - 14233 Hobgobln Plz
Pirate(Lv:27) - Pink Phat - 48475 I R Dead
Guard(Lv:28) - Rainbow Phat - 7842 hopesless
Hobgoblin(Lv:32) - Yellow Phat - 9028 xavier
Ice Giant(Lv:68) - Red Phat - 1704 King Dead
Barbarian(Lv:16) - Cyan Phat - 6017 xavier
Warrior(Lv:18) - Green Phat - 6800 xavier
Full stats:
16556 xavier
8516 Dropdeadfred
7226 dmm test
6266 Kreayshawn
244 xavier
117 Dmm Time
78 Steel Sword
25 hopesless
24 Bagmitten
36 King Dead
29 Soulus Dead
28 Iilliilli
7 Who Diss
13250 Deadjimb
5932 Kreayshawn
5320 Matilow Jr
1100 D M M Daddy
900 Dead Job
1002 xavier
110 wang bang ty
80 Kreayshawn
34 Dropdeadfred
125142 Crispys Dead
39843 Bagmitten
29551 Who Diss
17996 G Deadman
20125314 I R Dead
18805434 Dmm Time
8266425 xavier
4838850 Bagmitten
3527 Crispys Dead
1919 D M M Daddy
1270 King Dead
792 Deadmad
671 Dmm Time
10702558 Dmm Time
9510221 hopesless
8209101 I R Dead
8086252 xavier
14732539 xavier
12220286 Dmm Time
7304298 hopesless
3753676 Steel Sword
2964206 Bagmitten
14606 Who Diss
11497 xavier
6411 Steel Sword
5670 Dmm Time
16 Dropdeadfred
2021 Bagmitten
1344 Who Diss
942 I R Dead
13196 Who Diss
2642 Dmm Time
1791 Kn1ghtm4r3
14233 Hobgobln Plz
2764 Steel Sword
48475 I R Dead
46823 Dmm Time
2306 Deadmad
7842 hopesless
5329 Dead Job
5218 Deadmad
9028 xavier
5712 Deadmad
4273 King Dead
Ice Giant
1704 King Dead
903 Dmm Time
468 2 8
6017 xavier
567 Deadjimb
406 Crispys Dead
6800 xavier
5329 Steel Sword
2521 Dead Ends
Feel free to message me in-game, on the forums, or on Discord with any questions or concerns you may have.
Read the Rules