Hello everyone , if you are new to server and you are wondering how to earn some money - here is a guide for you if you want to take mining path. This is not a powermining guide, this is a starter-banking-mining-guide.
Why mining?
a) Decent money;
b) Higher money than fishing because ores can't burn and are more worth;
a) Unlike fishing , this is a full attention skill. So meaning by more money , you need to put more effort in it aswell.
Part 1 - Getting a pickaxe:
You can easiely start off with bronze pickaxe from tutorial, but either case you need to get one from Nurmof -> http://runescapeclassic.wikia.com/wiki/ … ckaxe_Shop . Getting the best pickaxe for your level is always paying off as you get more swings on a rock.
Part 2 - Mining : 1- 15
South - East Varrock Mine -> 
Start off with mining Copper / Tin, but don't bank it. It's worthless unless you are planning to do smithing.
Part 3 - Mining : 15- 50 or 15-59
South - East Varrock Mine -> 

At level 15 you can mine Iron ores. Banking 1k iron ores will get you level 50. Use Varrock East Bank.
I sold 1k iron ores on Auction house for 300k (300 each), but in a good day you can probably get 350k. That's a decent buck for your new Pickaxe or Rune Armor/Weapon for few hours of work.
From level 50 you can choose to go with iron ores until 59 or go to part 4 of this guide.
Part 4 - Mining : 50-59 - South east Draynor / South West Lumbridge Mining site
Closest bank here is Draynor village bank.
50-55 - you mine full inventory of coal and bank it.
55-59 - you mine 8 mithril + 21 coal per load.
Until 59 you should probably have around 100 mithril ores + 600-700 coal.
I sold coal for 480/485 and 500 each, but in a good day you can get 550.
I sold mithril for 1.5k each but in a good day you can get upto 2k.

Part 5 - Mining : 59 - over 9k
Get you ass to the mining guild...!
...but before buy 7-10 of these http://runescapeclassic.wikia.com/wiki/Dwarven_Stout
Mining guilde is located at South East of Falador. -> http://runescapeclassic.wikia.com/wiki/Mining_Guild
This is the fastest place to mine coal. One load of coal + 3 mithril could take you around 7minutes. Since there aren't a lot of miners there.
From lvl 70 you can mine addy, which is around 3k gold per ore.
Part 6 - Go sell something.
Selling and cashing out is done in Auction house , which is located north of Varrock West bank.
As we can see in the picture, 500 coal is more worth than 600 cooked lobsters.

P.s. part - Just to be clear.
I'm not against fishing and I haven't mentioned a lot of mining spots. Also I will fish a lot my self during my work, because it doesn't take so much attention. And also I don't like money making methods like picking unids, because except slow combat xp, it won't give any stats. This is just a beginners guide to get some money quite fast. I'll be happy if you share this link to newcommers
Cheers all !
P.s. part 2

Buy using this mining guide , I have 1 million cash in bank, and 1500 coal still waiting to be sold (720K more). And i'm only playing here for 3 days.
Now get your ass to the mining sites mentioned above!