RSCR 2nd World in North America?

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Archer96 Send PM


Posts: 24

S O B BSpace said:

I vote no on all of that.

A 2nd server will split the community.  This is something that has been talked about since 2016, we don't have enough pop to support it.  Moving PK'ing to another server will reduce the need for food and supplies on the primary server, hurting the economy.  Giving us PK mode already simplified things enough.  You can get almost whatever build you want in a few days with that mode.  Less if you wait for double xp.

Anybody and their mom can open a RSC server with set stats and unlimited supplies for free pk.  RSCR is above that.

I think focus should be on new features, reworking/addition of skills, new modes, and bigger focus on holidays.  The fact that Easter was the first expected event holiday since server creation without a holiday event like a new NPC, quest, or rare was incredibly disappointing.

Very well said, do not make another "world" . If you do then you would just have people splitting up and have EasyScape go over there as well. I'm pretty late on joining RSCR, started about a month ago, and I do enjoy it but it def lacks people. I played RSC around 01-06, never got into RS2,3,4,5 whatever part they got now. Seems pretty obvious that PKing is a huge issue here, literally the only reason why I started playing. I'm not sure if I'm going to continue because of the lack of people, but splitting up won't do good. Listen to the PK'ers, don't and you gonna have a empty world of a few skillers.


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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
Posts: 4,653

Do it, people who would play a second server wouldn't play the first one to begin with anyways.

But really why not just do a server in America that's just like real rs? Just switching but same game.

American Server: F2P
Euro Server: P2P


Last edited by KizL (27 Apr 2020 08:11)

IGN: Alerion, No Mercy, Attila and KizL
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d_u_s_y_m Send PM


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Aside from the potential latency issues being discussed...

Is another option to "save" the current rates / settings into an "original" mode and just up the rates etc for the normal default type of account? Think it fills the majority of your use cases, while not giving any specific side an advantage and the option to choose the harder grind if thats the play style being sought out.

In addition to the resource selling\buying npc , might allow you to reach a middle ground.

I think it's also important to note that you wont be able to meet every edge use case

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kaish Send PM


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Hey guys, Ive recently started playing again. I used to play the rscrevolution version and stopped shortly after the mass of updates which for me made the game into just another online computer game. The appeal for this game is that its systems allows a variety of people to enjoy the game, with more often then not the goal being to obtain more wealth, either by fishing or making things or taking things from others in the wilderness.

What the server needs is more players, so I would suggest putting your time into advertising what this server is, people are downloading apps on phones to play basic games and spending thousands of hours of there time - look at how big crazy birds was and theres other games still attracting more people. I understand there are players that don't want to spend time obtaining items. perhaps you can update lumbridge so that new players can start with armour and items of no value so that they can understand how the game works, surely giving people an idea of how the game works is better.

For those players experienced who don't want to spend time increasing skills and wealth then instead of making a whole separate server just allow them to buy items or skill experience for real money, you can then use that revenue to pay for advertising on social media or other outlets.

I Remember rscrevolution had 6 servers to begin with, on an inferior platform with an average of 3k players on, this is possible if you reach the right people.

So in summary i don't think any new servers are going to be necessary. I do think that the easy training may need to be reduced at some point, one of the best parts of the rscrevolution game was when you saw a lvl 100+ and actually thought how the hell did they manage it, with all that XP, I think that is something that could be changed in the future.

Last edited by kaish (27 Apr 2020 10:55)

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Kleio Send PM


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Thank you to everyone who has taken their time to write their opinion about this topic here or sent me a DM, I especially enjoyed the newer community members feedback.

This topic was posted on news to attract maximum attention to the idea, this is not something I would be jumping to do now. There is quite a bit of work to do for player who play RSCR NOW, not maybe sometime if we do what they ask smile

On PvP related note we have a developer currently revamping our Survival, FFA, Hunger games, TDM, CTF system into one unified one for better player experience without even needing Wilderness.

We will be giving more supplies to the player base through reworked drops and changes to the PK Mode characters.

Again thank you for the feedback and I hope to see you all in-game smile

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Renevald Send PM


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Yes. You create easy server and force emo to close down, then you shut down second server and everyone forced on main rscr.

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Archer96 Send PM


Posts: 24

Definitely need more better drops coming from NPC's , something like runite ore / bars.  How are there only 4 rune rocks to mine from, with a 25minute spawn rate? I'm not saying go crazy on adding more rocks, but maybe a few more / faster respawn rate.

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arch4r2h Send PM


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it will be stupid if its just pure pk with endless supplies, the reason why players pk mostly is for pride/glory. If there is like nth to lose, its kind of pointless, i will suggest that your new pk server is allowed to transfer resources from current server to new server with some special limitations. Like what you said earlier, you can random your stats to whichever you want, but you can make it like you can only select a few level range say 15/50/70 (just examples) so players can get massive pk. Another interesting part is, you cannot transfer resources from new server to old server, which means players still have to grind on current server to transfer to new server. My whole point is after 6 years of current server, we have too much and way beyond resources that can never be finished, you can make those new player or lazy player to be able to donate to get resources on new server and make it NEW server cannot farm resources except for staking/duel. All resources have to obtain from existing server or via donation. Without pain, there is no gain.

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samantharules Send PM


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As someone who lives in North America, I don't think there's a need for a server here; the game runs very well for me (I play on a computer). I came to RSCR from "EasyScape" and noticed no difference in latency between them.

The reason I left "EasyScape" and came to RSCR was because of a server reset. I spent many hours on that server only to have nothing transfer to the new one. I don't know if those circumstances are normal for a server reset, but I think that would be the worst possible scenario for RSCR. (Turns out, RSCR is better than anything I could have imagined. so it all worked out.)

As for the question of adding another world, I agree with what most others are saying - we don't have enough players for two worlds. I think the appeal of RSCR over "EasyScape" is the beautifully designed (and far superior) added content, impressive attention to detail, wonderful staff, and (generally) friendly player base. In addition, and as others have mentioned, we have different modes that allow for various styles of play, so if players want to level faster for "fun pk", they have the option to do so.

We already have many events that give players a chance to win gp and items, as well as added quests with armor/weapons as rewards; if it was significantly easier to get items, or if the drop rates were greatly increased, there would be less incentive to grind, which is what many players enjoy and the reason we play.

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run or die Send PM


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will the new sever be good for Australia any 1 please ?

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Jauroo Send PM


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Tyra said:

Dont open 2nd server.

Pk mode accounts Can only work in wilderness
- Pk mode 40X 25x without subs (this is a need cause ppl needs lists to compete on rev, rev pkers are way better then emupkers in every aspect so this is a much needed thing even make a 2-4day event for pkmode with 70x so ppl can get few flats and some smaller pkers)
- Pk package for same amount as subs, Can only he traded in same ip adresss (this is also good cause as u said we pkers are just here for the pk amd notting else)
- create a shop that buys Pk supplies off skillers for a reasonable Price, swords, casts etc (this makes so skillers doesnt lose gp on their skilling and farming)

Otherwise yeah, but 40x is still 100'ish hours for flats and like people stated you need a list for active pking these days and being able to compete. RSC is a dying game and it will never attract new players who have never played it. If Kleio is considering to have set stats type of possibility for a 2nd server he should just do it in this 1 as PK mode accounts, 2 worlds is a big nono. Some people have access to hundreds of accounts and at this day and age of RSC i dont see any pkers training for them, that's the reason some of them came back this year, they got them all for free. RSC has probably what 2 years left or so if even that. Let people just set  their stats or something on their PK mode accounts, make the stats have no effect outside the wilderness, so it doesn't ruin anyone elses experience. Sell pking packages through forums or so if u wish, not a problem for pkers and helps the server. Everything else and more has been tried, its time to try something else that hasn't been done yet.

Last edited by Jauroo (30 Apr 2020 08:42)

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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
Posts: 4,653


KizL said:

Do it, people who would play a second server wouldn't play the first one to begin with anyways.

But really why not just do a server in America that's just like real rs? Just switching but same game.

American Server: F2P
Euro Server: P2P



Last edited by KizL (18 Sep 2020 17:08)

IGN: Alerion, No Mercy, Attila and KizL
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b u b b a jr Send PM


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move server to america


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Vegeta7777 Send PM


From: Liverpool, UK
Posts: 14

I think I'm just going to echo the general consensus, here. I feel like the divide in the community won't be worth it. It seems as though concisely integrating PK upgrades into the excellent RSCR game is the way to go. Don't think it's going to be easy but the cost of failing a few times and eventually getting it right are nothing compared to the cost of splitting a community in two.

Either way, keep up the good work, the server is the only thing keeping me sane at work right now!