About Deadman
Game mode where players play in a full world PvP environment. Deadmen walk, fight in the same world as regular players, but are limited to F2P areas without Wilderness. Players are required to be completely self-sufficient, everyone stands alone. Combat is mostly 1vs1, however some multi combat zones are available. To start the game mode, create a new character and speak to the Deadman NPC.
Detailed information about what makes deadman mode unique can be found on this post. A must read for participants!
Short list of most unique features
- Full World PVP (F2P map), except of few safe zones;
- Most of the world is single-combat, with exception of the area around Barbarian village;
- Player killing you can raid your bank and get a percentage of your belongings. Deadmen have access to safety deposit box for 10 protected items;
- Worldwide attack range (wilderness level) is 15 combat levels;
- No access to Wilderness;
- Deadmen are visible to non-deadmen only in multi-combat areas. Visibility can be enabled on-demand using ::invisible command.
- Characters have a combat level cap from 33 to 73 depending on how far the season has progressed. Maximum level increases weekly;
- Double experience rate (2x RSCR Rates).
Getting gear and supplies
- Everything needed for survival and combat can be bought in a shop, Deadmen have access to Weapons and Armour, Supplies and Deadmen market shops though Deadman NPC.
- Shops like Betty's Magic Emporium, Aubury's Rune Shops, Lowe's Archery Store have boosted stock;
- Killed NPC’s drop coins, amount is based on NPC combat level.
- Deadman Satchel item to automatically gather skilling supplies, drops in order to have inventory ready for fighting;
- Fishing will yield 2x times the fish;
- Mining will yield 2x times the ore.
Content limitations
- Access only to f2p world content, items and skills;
- Completely separate economy, stores from the regular players;
- No access to Auction House;
- No trading between players.
Main changes since last season
- 1 vs 1 combat mechanics reworked, multiple players can’t range or cast at one person in single combat area;
- Barbarian village multi combat area is back;
- Deadmen are visible to non-deadmen only in multi-combat areas. Visibility can be enabled on-demand using ::invisible command;
- NPC’s will no longer be aggressive towards player who are casting or ranging at an opponent;
- Players can transfer subscriptions cards to their deadman characters by using item on them;
- Maximum combat level allowed increases weekly from 33 to 73;
- Added activity point system for a guaranteed prize;
- Added automated King of the Hill event in Edgeville to get Deadman combat perks;
- Removed experience loss on death;
- Reduced bank loss percentage on death;
- Killing NPC’s that are listed in the competition gives you a skull every 100th kill;
- You can’t reuse characters from last previous seasons, but you can request a free name transfer from Moderators.
- No bank loss on 1st week;
- Added access to pk capes for 100 kills, 100k each, all capes support str pot, kept on death.
King of the Hill event
Every 6 hours there will be a new event in Edgeville where you compete to control the central event area and earn the title of King. Hold your ground, fight off challengers, and earn points.
Winner or this event will get helpful temporary perks:
- Always keep one most valuable item on death;
- Decreased bank loss by half;
- Increased Skilling Satchel size by 125;
- Increased coin drops from NPCs;
- Prayer drains slower.
Details about the event (click to show) ▼
In an attempt to boost pk action for Deadmen we’ve developed a new event. It will run periodically in Edgeville and winners will get Kings status that provides them helpful perks.
Compete to control the central event area and earn the title of King. Hold your ground, fight off challengers, and earn points.
When you enter the center of the event zone, you'll be placed in the queue to become the King. When you are first in the queue, a counter starts. If you manage to remain in the zone for the required time, you get the title and points. You earn additional points while holding the central square.
Gaining Points:
- Becoming King: +50 points;
- Holding the title: +10 points every 10 seconds;
- Defeating event participants: +10 points and stolen points;
- Stolen points: A percentage of the victim's points (10 to 25%), based on the difference between your points and theirs.
The event is not always active and runs based on a schedule every 6 hours or is started on demand by moderators.
King status for 4 hours of in-game time. Time runs only while being online. Perks of being king are:
- Always keep one most valuable item on death;
- Decreased bank loss by half;
- Increased Skilling Satchel size by 125;
- Increased coin drops from NPCs;
- Prayer drains slower.
::viewschedule – See upcoming events
::kingleaderboard – View the event leaderboard
Competition for statistics
There are list of statistics that are tracked throught the season, whoever gets best result in set category gets a prize.
List of statistics and prizes (click to show) ▼
- DMM_gold_won (while raiding banks victims banks):
- 1st: 150M + Draco Whip
- 2nd: 100M + 30 Diamond Pinata
- 3rd: 50M + 30 Gold Pinata
- DMM_gold_lost (while getting your bank raided from death) - holy symbol of resurrection
- DMM_keys_used - 3 x Disk of reset
- DMM_fires_lit - 30 smelting eggs
- DMM_feathers_gathered - 20k Rune Arrows
- DMM_spells_casted - 30k Death Runes
- DMM_coins_from_npcs_received - 10 mill gp
- DMM_arrows_shot - 10 Banana Eggs
- DMM_raw_swordfish_caught - Perm Cooked fish perk enabled on one account for a year (regular accounts only)
- DMM_coal_mined - 30 mining eggs
- DMM_runite_mined - OG Scythe
- DMM_r2h_made - 100 rune sets
Most kills for:
- Imp(Lv:5) - We will open Red Christmas cracker on winner
- Cow(Lv:8) - White Phat
- Darkwizard(Lv:13)- Black Phat
- Pirate(Lv:27) - Pink Phat
- Guard(Lv:28) - We will open Red Christmas cracker on winner
- Hobgoblin(Lv:32) - Yellow Phat
- Ice Giant(Lv:68) - Red Phat
- Barbarian(Lv:16) - Cyan Phat
- Warrior(Lv:18) - Green Phat
::highscore – See your stats and position of your score
Activity points prize
Guaranteed prize for anyone who wants to venture on doing various activities across the map. If you do most of the recorded activities, you will get a new cosmetic item - bone crown. This will be a limited tradable item, possible to get only one per character per deadman season.
"Details about activity points" (click to show) ▼
Each activity gives you points, but for one activity type there is a maximum of how many points you can get. Each activity gives from 1 to 50 points. You don’t have to do all of them, but you must gather 90% of the possible points.
Type ::activities in-game for more details and point tracking.
The activities are:
- Use Deadman keys
- Finish quests
- Finish Dragon Slayer quest
- Collect Red Spider eggs
- Collect feathers
- Cast spells
- Cut gems
- Mine ores in Dwarven mine
- Fish Swordfish in Karamja
- Chop trees in Draynor Village
- Cook pies in Cooks guild
- Smelt ores in Falador
- Lit fire
- Kill Imp(Lv:5)
- Kill Cow(Lv:8)
- Kill Darkwizard(Lv:13)
- Kill Pirate(Lv:27)
- Kill Guard(Lv:28)
- Kill Hobgoblin(Lv:32)
- Kill Ice Giant(Lv:68)
- Kill Barbarian(Lv:16)
- Kill Warrior(Lv:18)