Deadman mode starting this Saturday

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Kleio Send PM


Posts: 695

About Deadman

Game mode where players play in a full world PvP environment. Deadmen walk, fight in the same world as regular players, but are limited to F2P areas without Wilderness. Players are required to be completely self-sufficient, everyone stands alone. Combat is mostly 1vs1 only, however some multi combat zones are available. Deadmen have various tweaks to their in-game mechanics listed here. To start the game mode, create a new character and speak to the Deadman NPC.

Competitions and prizes

Deadmen can participate in three different unique competitions where they get prizes:

  • King of the Hill event in Edgeville - gather most points during a 1 hour event to get perks that help Deadmen in the game for a period. Participants get weekly prizes for best results;
  • Competition for best statistics of various in-game objectives 15 different categories in total.;
  • Gather activity points for a new cosmetic item - bone crown.

New event: King of the Hill

In an attempt to boost pk action for Deadmen we’ve developed a new event. It will run periodically in Edgeville and winners will get Kings status that provides them helpful perks.

Compete to control the central event area and earn the title of King. Hold your ground, fight off challengers, and earn points.

When you enter the center of the event zone, you'll be placed in the queue to become the King. When you are first in the queue, a counter starts. If you manage to remain in the zone for the required time, you get the title and points. You earn additional points while holding the central square.

Gaining Points:

  • Becoming King: +50 points
  • Holding the title: +10 points every 10 seconds
  • Defeating event participants: +10 points and stolen points
  • Stolen points: A percentage of the victim's points (10 to 25%), based on the difference between your points and theirs

The event is not always active and runs based on a schedule every 6 hours or is started on demand by moderators.

King status for 4 hours of in-game time. Time runs only while being online. Perks of being king are:

  • Always keep one most valuable item on death;
  • Decreased bank loss by half;
  • Increased Skilling Satchel size by 125;
  • Increased coin drops from NPCs;
  • Prayer drains slower.

::viewschedule – See upcoming events
::kingleaderboard – View the event leaderboard

Changes since last season

  • 1 vs 1 combat mechanics reworked, multiple players can’t range or cast at one person in single combat area;
  • Barbarian village multi combat area is back;
  • Fixed kills being registered on victims opponent that they were fighting previously;
  • Deadmen are visible to non-deadmen only in multi-combat areas. Visibility can be enabled on-demand using ::invisible command;
  • Al Kharid border guards require to be out of combat for 10 seconds before speaking;
  • NPC’s will no longer be aggressive towards player who are casting or ranging at an opponent;
  • When you stop casting or ranging at someone, next player can start shooting projectiles at them only after 10 seconds;
  • Out of combat timer is 30 seconds;
  • After kill immunity is 30 seconds;
  • Players can transfer subscriptions cards to their deadman characters by using item on them;
  • Corrected skull timer showed on client bottom right;
  • Disabled precise skull time checking using ::skulltime command due to player complaints;
  • Maximum combat level allowed increases weekly from 33 to 73;
  • Added activity point system for a guaranteed prize;
  • Added automated King of the Hill event in Edgeville to get Deadman combat perks;
  • Removed experience loss on death;
  • Reduced bank loss percentage on death;
  • Killing NPC’s that are listed in the competition gives you a skull every 100th kill;
  • Added warning informing skulled players when approaching a safe zone;
  • You can’t reuse characters from last previous seasons, but you can request a free name transfer from Moderators.

Last minute changes:

  • No bank loss on 1st week;
  • Deadman now keep 3 items on death when not skulled;
  • Increased xp rate for bones, regular bones give xp as big bones, big bones give close to d bones xp;
  • Added access to pk capes for 100 kills, 100k each, all capes support str pot, kept on death;
  • Deadman crown now kept on death;

Deadman mode main features

  • Full World PVP (F2P map), except Lumbridge, Edgeville, Karamja fishing bridge, Falador East and Varrock West banks;
  • Deadmen have access to Weapons and Armour, Supplies and Deadmen market shops though Deadman NPC. Everything needed for survival and combat can be bought;
  • Killed NPC’s drop coins, amount is based on NPC combat level;
  • Most of the world is single-combat, with exception of the area around Barbarian village;
  • Player killing you can raid your bank and get a percentage of your belongings;
  • Access to safety deposit box for 10 items (not stacks);
  • Access only to f2p world content, items and skills;
  • Attack range (wilderness level) in the whole map is 15 levels;
  • Characters have combat level cap from 33 to 73 depending on how far the season has progressed. Maximum level increases weekly;
  • Double experience rate (2x RSCR Rates);
  • There are special training areas accessible only by Deadmen through the map;
  • Deadman Satchel item to automatically gather skilling supplies in order to have inventory ready for fighting;

Other highlights

  • No access to Wilderness;
  • No access to Auction House;
  • No trading between players;
  • Completely separate economy, stores from the regular players;
  • Teleporting and logging out requires you to stand still for 10 seconds;
  • Betty's Magic Emporium and Aubury's Rune Shops will have boosted 500 elemental runes in stock as well as 100 death runes;
  • Lowe's Archery Store will have 600 bronze arrows and 450 bolts in stock;
  • Fishing will yield 2x times the fish;
  • Mining will yield 2x times the ore;
  • Some of the available quests will be automatically completed: Cook's assistant, Imp catcher, Sheep shearer, Romeo and Juliet, Doric's quest, Witch's potion, The Restless Ghost and Shield of Arrav;
  • Two roonite ores added in Rimmington, can be mined only by Deadmen;
  • Deadmen can't obtain clue scrolls;
  • Shantay and blue moon inn banks are disabled;
  • Deadmen receive a set of startup items to make the start easier;
  • For doing Dragon Slayer quest, plank has been spawned in Barbarian Village;
  • Deadmen can't receive quest XP while they have xp gain buffed after previous death;
  • Protect Items prayer and Home Teleport are disabled for Deadmen;
  • Free fish is enabled for Deadmen however, you must be out of combat for 60 seconds to gain fish;
  • Rune plate rights can be bought by using a platinum subscription in game and selecting "Buy item rights";
  • Deadman death locations are announced in the global chat kill feed;
  • Type ::deadman to see how many deadmen are online currently;


Deadman mode is hosted with a vision that Deadmen must be self-sufficient, gather their own resources and always risk their own hard work. We have solutions in place that will report suspicious activity to Moderators on Discord. Any rule breaking will be reacted to quickly.

  • Owning more than one Deadman character is not allowed;
  • Sharing Deadmen characters is not allowed, even for training only;
  • Trading items is disabled and not allowed, there should be no attempt in transferring wealth to other players;
  • Suiciding to players to give away wealth is not allowed;
  • Using mules to hold or transfer items is not allowed;
  • Swapping items between regular game mode and Deadman is not allowed. You can only transfer subscription cards;
  • There will be no such thing as giving away characters as a gift if quitting. If you quit, we can ban the character on request;

If you break any of the rules above, all related parties will be banned or at least their banks will be wiped. If someone has multiple characters, staff will make contact and allow picking one character to play on without the ability to transfer wealth. If you want to create a new build, you are free to reset your combat stats with the help of Deadman NPC for free.

Combat restrictions

Deadman mode is based on an idea that players must be self-sufficient, fight alone and keep it real. With every season we are making improvements to make Deadman the mode where you are most likely to get fair fights. Most of the world is single-combat, multi-combat zone is around Barbarian village and in the King of the Hill zone, based on the event settings.

Deadman combat restrictions in single-combat zones are:

  • If one person is casting or ranging a player, other players can’t;
  • When you leave combat with a player you can’t jump to fight another, or start fighting an NPC;
  • NPC’s are not aggressive against players who have recently ran away from a PvP fight;
  • When you kill someone you are immune from attacks for 30 seconds, unless you attack first;
  • When someone sends a projectile at you, other person can melee attack or do the same only in 10 seconds;


In the first week of the event maximum combat level is 33, every week it will increase on Saturday 20:00 UTC. Levels will be: 33, 55, 63 and 73.

To help achieve correct stats when training you can use commands to set maximum combat level. Type ::max[skillname] number to set the max level you want, example ::maxdefense 40.

If you’d like to change the build of your account you have two options, both are accessible through Deadman NPC.

  • Reduce one combat stat to 1 or nearest rounded number, for example 49 to 40. This costs a Platinum Subscription Card.;
  • Reset your combat status fully, this means becoming Combat Level 3 again. The reset affects combat stats only - Attack, Strength, Defence, Hits, Prayer, Ranged and Magic. The reset is done for free.

Experience rate:

  • 25x combat experience rate (29X subbed)
  • 20X secondary combat rate (24X  Subbed)
  • 15X skilling rate (19X subbed)

Subscriber benefits

  • Increased xp rates;
  • Increased coin drops from NPC’s
  • Increased Deadman Satchel storage;

Subscriptions can be given to Deadman characters by using the subscription card on your character. Cards can also be transferred with staff help, if you need assistance, please contact us.

Skilling with Deadman Satchel

The Deadman Satchel is a unique item designed to enhance gameplay in the Deadman mode by allowing players to remain combat-ready while engaging in skilling activities. It offers the convenience of automatically collecting resources from activities such as mining and woodcutting. However, it's important to note that the satchel contents will be lost upon death, unlike the bank, where only a percentage of items is lost, or the safety deposit box, which provides full protection but has limited capacity.

The primary functionality of the Deadman Satchel can be summarised as follows:

  • Collection of Resources: When engaging in activities like mining or woodcutting, the satchel will automatically gather the obtained resources and store them within itself;
  • Combat Readiness: Despite focusing on skilling, the satchel allows players to maintain their combat equipment and readiness, ensuring they can quickly transition into combat if needed;
  • Limited Capacity: The satchel has a finite capacity to store resources. Once it reaches its maximum capacity, the player will need to visit a bank to deposit the contents before continuing their skilling activities;
  • Loss on Death: In the event of the player's death, the contents of the satchel will be lost entirely. This introduces an element of risk, as players must weigh the benefits of using the satchel against the potential loss of accumulated resources upon death.

The Deadman Satchel offers an alternative method for resource collection and combat readiness in Deadman mode, promoting a dynamic and strategic approach to gameplay. Players must carefully manage their satchel's contents, balancing the benefits of resource accumulation with the risk of losing everything upon death.

Satchel can store 125 items in total (not stacks), storage space can be increased by subscribing your character. +125 for Gold Subscription and + 125 for Platinum Subscription.

Visually Satchel has an interface just like a bank, you can organise it, deposit notes to it, withdraw items as notes works only while being inside a bank. Banker NPC can deposit whole satchel content to the bank through dialogue.

If you lose the Satchel, you can get another one from Deadman Npc.

Getting wealth, gear and supplies

Getting gear is not difficult, we have added various shortcuts that help players accumulate wealth quickly as well as all main supplies are available in the store through Deadman NPC in Edgeville and Lumbridge.

Mining ores, chopping trees, fishing gives you 2x the resources, if you have Deadman Satchel in inventory they can be gathered very quickly. Resources that you collect can be sold to shops for some quick gp.

Killing players get you part of their bank, most active and successful PKers can raise funds quickly.

Killing NPC’s gives you coins that go straight into your inventory. The amount of coins depends on the combat level of the NPC and your subscription status.

  • No subscription: npc combat level * 9
  • Gold subscription: npc combat level * 12
  • Gold + Platinum subscription: npc combat level * 15

Death in Deadman Mode

If you haven't taken damage from a player, death is the same as in other game modes.

If you have taken damage from a player:

  • You lose a percentage from the 10 most valuable stacks in your bank to the Bank Raid Chest;
  • If you die skulled the amount you lose is higher than not skulled;
  • If a higher level opponent kills you, you lose a smaller percentage;
  • Maximum loss percentage is 30%, minimum is 15%;
  • If you die while having a Deadman Satchel, the opponent gets 50% coin value of your satchel contents. If you die to an NPC, Satchel just vanishes.

Bank Raid Keys & Chests

If you manage to kill a player in Deadman Mode, you will receive a Deadman Key. This key will give you access to a chest which contains a percentage of 10 most valuable stacks from the opponent's bank. Bank Raid Chest is located in Edgeville bank.

Deadman Key:

  • Received upon killing a player;
  • Unlocks bank raid chest;
  • Cannot be traded, banked, only destroyed;
  • When you kill a player who has got Deadman Keys in his inventory, you will get his keys;
  • You can only hold a maximum of five keys at a time, if you have five keys and kill someone, the key will not be dropped.

Safety Deposit Box

Deadmen have an option to keep their most valuable items safe from bank raids using a safety deposit box which can hold up to 10 items, not stacks. The box can be accessed through Bankers.

Skull mechanism

  • Skull default time is 15 minutes, maximum skull time 30 minutes;
  • Each time you attack a player while you are skulled, your skull timer is reset and your skull time is extended by two minutes.
  • If you attack a player 30 or more levels below you, your skull time is set to 30 minutes.
  • Your skull timer does not tick down if you stand still. You have to be on the move to lose your skull.
  • Players who attack you when you are skulled will not get skulled themselves.
  • Safe zones have high level guards, which attack skulled players trying to enter it.


Each time you kill a player, your kill-streak increases. This is indicated by your skull color changing.
Additionally, the amount of Deadman Keys you hold in your inventory is indicated above the skull by key icons.


Deadman statistics competition

Deadmen can compete for killing the most NPCs of various types as well as compete on statistics from various skilling and player killing activities. To see where you rank in all categories type ::highscore in-game. This season characters can be hidden in the highscores, however this does not affect the listing you can see in-game.

This season for every 100th kill of an NPC listed in the competition you get a skull.

  • DMM_gold_won (while raiding banks victims banks):
  • 1st: 150M + Draco Whip
  • 2nd: 100M + 30 Diamond Pinata
  • 3rd: 50M + 30 Gold Pinata
  • DMM_gold_lost (while getting your bank raided from death) - holy symbol of resurrection
  • DMM_keys_used - 3 x Disk of reset
  • DMM_fires_lit - 30 smelting eggs
  • DMM_feathers_gathered - 20k Rune Arrows
  • DMM_spells_casted - 30k Death Runes
  • DMM_coins_from_npcs_received - 10 mill gp
  • DMM_arrows_shot - 10 Banana Eggs
  • DMM_raw_swordfish_caught - Perm Cooked fish perk enabled on one account for a year (regular accounts only)
  • DMM_coal_mined - 30 mining eggs
  • DMM_runite_mined - OG Scythe
  • DMM_r2h_made - 100 rune sets

Most kills for:

  • Imp(Lv:5) - We will open Red Christmas cracker on winner
  • Cow(Lv:8) - White Phat
  • Darkwizard(Lv:13)- Black Phat
  • Pirate(Lv:27) - Pink Phat
  • Guard(Lv:28) - We will open Red Christmas cracker on winner
  • Hobgoblin(Lv:32) - Yellow Phat
  • Ice Giant(Lv:68) - Red Phat
  • Barbarian(Lv:16) - Cyan Phat
  • Warrior(Lv:18) - Green Phat

Deadman bone crown for activity points

We’ve added a guaranteed prize for anyone who wants to venture on doing various activities across the map. If you do most of the recorded activities, you will get a new cosmetic item - bone crown. This will be a limited tradable item, possible to get only one per character per deadman season.

Each activity gives you points, but for one activity type there is a maximum of how many points you can get. Each activity gives from 1 to 50 points. You don’t have to do all of them, but you must gather 90% of the possible points.

Type ::activities in-game for more details and point tracking.

The activities are:

  • Use Deadman keys
  • Finish quests
  • Finish Dragon Slayer quest
  • Collect Red Spider eggs
  • Collect feathers
  • Cast spells
  • Cut gems
  • Mine ores in Dwarven mine
  • Fish Swordfish in Karamja
  • Chop trees in Draynor Village
  • Cook pies in Cooks guild
  • Smelt ores in Falador
  • Lit fire
  • Kill Imp(Lv:5)
  • Kill Cow(Lv:8)
  • Kill Darkwizard(Lv:13)
  • Kill Pirate(Lv:27)
  • Kill Guard(Lv:28)
  • Kill Hobgoblin(Lv:32)
  • Kill Ice Giant(Lv:68)
  • Kill Barbarian(Lv:16)
  • Kill Warrior(Lv:18)

Play All Day Send PM


Posts: 1

Edit for next season:

"Two roonite ores added in Rimmington, can be mined only by Deadmen;"

Add after. There is also a a roonite ore in level 92 mining guild.

Didn't know about this guild and got to level 99 in the level 60 guild and missed out on roonite ore.