I know there has been alternatives offered such as the 1 IP castle, but realistically people are not using it.
What I am suggesting is making the wilderness at level 30 and below a 1 IP area. This gives the entire server an EVEN playing field. New people, experienced people, and those in between have a chance to test their builds WITHOUT people like skeon ruining their fun. I think this is a good idea and we should move to implement this idea immediately.
That bold and underline part is the exact reason this is a terrible idea. The entire wilderness will be "nobody using it." "Nobody" uses 1 ip because they can only train 1 acc there, meaning the 5 trainers you usually see at castle and the single acc in 1 ip, are one person. This will completely just kill the wilderness. Blows my mind that it'd even be considered after 1 ip castle has been such a failure for "new and less experiences players."