Australia has 3 timezones and 10 hours would be the largest gap from the UK. It's only 7 hours here.
Yes, UK events at 10am or 12pm is great for us coz that ranges from 5pm to 7pm starts for all timezones in this region. It can even be later, it's just once it goes beyond 5pm there, it's much more challenging.
The last few events have all been 3am or 5am.
I'm good with people hosting stuff coz its the only time they can do it, it's just a bit annoying when every single Sorceress Ammy NPC wild event is held at the same times instead of mixing it up throughout different times of the day. Even if 90% of events remain this way and on the odd occasion we got one, it would be cool.
A while back the US players complained coz Anti was holding events that didn't suit them, but at the same time we were grateful for the first time in 3 years to have the chance to get involved without having to set a 2:50am alarm.
I come along and support stuff whenever I can but unfortunately it clashes more often than not.