Slayer Point Shop QOL Suggestions:
Slayer Mask Upgrade (250 Pts) - Once unlocked both varations of the Slayer Mask will provide a 15% increase boost to Weapon Aim & Power when engaged in combat with your current slayer assignment.
Bane of Werewolves (100 Pts) - Once unlocked werewolves will no longer regenerate to full health and instead will stay redlined until you deal the final blow with a silver weapon.
Explosives Expert (200 Pts) - Once unlocked you can freely toss Dynamite on golems while engaged in combat and will no longer have to run away.
Everlasting Flame (100 Pts) - Once unlocked the flame of your torch will no longer be extinguished after kills.
Succulent Bait (100 Pts) - Once unlocked dropping troll bait will lure (spawn) the trolls much closer to your current location.
Glacial Touch (250 Pts) - Once unlocked wearing Ice Gloves will allow you to slay lava golems without use of liquid nitrogen.
Crushing Blow (250 Pts) - Once unlocked you can freely use sledgehammers on gargoyles while engaged in combat and will no longer have to run away.
Eternal Slayer Amulet (500 Pts) - This is an untradeable version of the slayer amulet which offers unlimited teleports to the same locations as regular slayer amulet.
Enchanted Slayer Master Ring (300 Pts) - This is an untradeable version of the slayer master ring which will not degrade, instead once out of charges it can be recharged at a slayer fountain.
Slayer Point bonuses rewarded for task streaks; Point bonus based varies depending on your current slayer master upon task completion. Scaled bonuses rewarded at incremental streaks of 10, 50 and 100 tasks completed in a row.
New slayer monsters/mechanics and adding more monsters that can be assigned by the current task masters is a good approach towards skill improvement. We also need more level brackets than just 40/60/85.
Lowering the cost of Extending Tasks would be ideal, it shouldn't take the completion of over 10 tasks to extend one.
Closely related monsters should count towards the same task, for instance - King Wild Dragon does not count for Wild Dragon tasks | Undead Ones do not count towards Zombie tasks.
Non-slayer monsters also generally have horrid drop tables based from original RSC. I think this could be looked into and revised to either increase quantities of stackables (while on task) or even add completely new drop tables to non-slayer creatures.