Player Search

Ranking for Somgotolumby
Combat 78
Total Level 379
Total Experience 20,970,526
Kills / Deaths 67 / 47
Title Member
Mode Regular
Skill Level Experience
* Attack 42 45,659
* Defense 99 13,186,320
* Strength 43 50,526
* Hits 88 4,428,662
* Ranged 1 0
* Prayer 1 0
* Magic 85 3,258,594
* Cooking 1 0
* Woodcut 1 0
* Fletching 1 0
* Fishing 1 0
* Firemaking 1 0
* Crafting 1 0
* Smithing 1 0
* Mining 1 0
* Herblaw 1 0
* Agility 7 765
* Thieving 1 0
* Slayer 1 0
* Runecrafting 1 0
* Farming 1 0
Statistic Count
casts_on_point 2564
casts_total 5087
catch_fail 345
catch_success 236
combat_logouts 93
deathmatch_losses 8
deathmatch_wins 2
duel_losses 2
duel_wins 4
hotspot_holdtime 5950
Man(Lv:9) kills 1
Monk of Zamorak(Lv:29) kills 1
Monk of Zamorak(Lv:19) kills 5
Dark Warrior(Lv:21) kills 6
Giant Spider(Lv:8) kills 3
Thug(Lv:18) kills 87
Chaos Druid(Lv:19) kills 18
Hellhound(Lv:114) kills 5
Chicken(Lv:1) kills 12
skeleton(Lv:21) kills 2
skeleton(Lv:25) kills 13
Rat(Lv:13) kills 85
Ghost(Lv:25) kills 2
Darkwizard(Lv:13) kills 2
Darkwizard(Lv:25) kills 2
Hobgoblin(Lv:32) kills 1
Scorpion(Lv:21) kills 35
Deadly Red spider(Lv:36) kills 2
pk_casts_fail 12
pk_casts_on_point 1
pk_casts_total 76
skulled_kills 55
tiles_walked 60854