DROP PARTY will be held on
Saturday, March 23rd 2019 at 3PM EST
in the Wilderness Drop Party Arena(P2P)!
Thanks to a large donation from fellow player, Dean Martin, and his request for this event, we will be hosting a Wilderness Drop Party!!! Due to his generosity and the generosity of staff, we have amassed a stockpile of goodies to drop in the arena. This is a good opportunity for players, new and old, to have some fun, gather some gear, and maybe even get a few kills along the way. This drop party is in the Wilderness. People will range you, attack you, mage you, pile-jump you, and probably kill you... If you want to throw caution to the wind and try to loot some gear, BE THERE! Please read below for rules and more detailed information about this event.
Donations from the community are always welcome! To donate for this event, please contact a mod in game or on discord!
THIS EVENT IS NOT SAFE. THE ARENA IS LOCATED IN 56+ WILDERNESS. You will die. You will lose stuff. You will get angry, but you will come back to seek revenge and loot more stuff.2.
THIS ARENA IS IN A P2P AREA AND IS UNDER 1-IP RESTRICTION!!!3. You must be between levels 30 - 123 to attend this event.
4. Bring your own gear (armour, pots, runes, food, etc.)!!! Come prepared to fight.
5. You may join an unlimited amount of times. If you die, simply re-gear and type ::event to get back to the arena.
6. Entering the drop party arena will automatically and immediately skull your player.
7. Telekinetic grab is disabled in this arena. It will not work.
8. Protect items is disabled in this arena. It will not work.
9. This arena has 3 exits, all leading directly into the high level (member's area) of the wilderness. (see pic below)
10. The arena will have 3 banks for this party. One located on the East side of the drop area, one on the West side of the drop area, and one South of the bridge right in the middle. Each bank is located at the end of the bridge. (see pic below for an idea)
11. Logging out inside the arena is not permitted. You must leave the arena entirely prior to logging out.
12. Gmage is disabled in this arena. It will not work.
Picture of the Wilderness Drop Party Arena where this event is being held:
Good luck and have fun!!! We hope to see you all there!
RSCRevolution Staff Team
Feel free to message me in-game, on the forums, or on Discord with any questions or concerns you may have.
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Read the Rules: Automated play is a bannable offense!