I quit

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Jauroo Send PM


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artvandelay said:

Jauroo said:

you guys are fucking stupid i swear, even though you CANT attack someone on more than 2 characters, all of you still come to forums crying how u get 5v1ed from same person, you wanted 1ip, you got it, you wanted 1v1 zone, you got it, whole east wildy is 1ip and 1ip zone, but do anyone of you PK there? No. You just find another excuse to cry about because no matter what the rules were you wouldnt pk. I agree though that for a new pker its really hard to get into pking, the time it takes to train the accounts needed + get the gear for them is way too much. If someone has 2 hours per day time to play, it'd take him almost 100 days to train a flats account, with double subs, then all the other accounts you pretty much need + the gear for them just takes too too long just to be able to PK

It's the same shit, always is, rules are constantly adjusted for people who don't pk and it pisses off the active pkers to the point where they quit or take long breaks. Those people are the ones that still won't be active in wild because they quickly realize they don't know how to pk and find another excuse.
If people are struggling to get a flat made then don't pk flats for a bit. There is tons of pk at lower levels to hold those players over until they have an account or two near flat.

Yeah there might be some action at border once a day on 33s or something but most of the pkers prefer flats pking over any other build because thats the only level u pretty much get wars with, theres casting/catching and teamplay involved, unless you're having a war on 60-100s but then again you'll need a list to complete with that, it's just too hard for a new pker to get the accounts and gear needed and its stupid.  Training 200 hours to get a flats account, which you'll need multiple, then farm 5 hours to get 1 hour worth of pking gear for 1 account, when you're in a war you need ATLEAST 3 flats, so you'd have to farm 15 hours to be able to compete on a team war for an hour with 3 accounts where the hell is the logic behind that lol. Reason people don't PK is that it's too hard to start pking from scratch. Especially for the people who don't know anyone, when i moved over to Rev ''permanently'' like 8 months back, like 70% of the pkers that plays Rev are _not_ in the ''RSC Pking community'' that has played through all the servers ( even though some people cry on forums about how the wildy is full with only the people who has ruined every server which is false because over half of these guys are new) because it'd be too time consuming for them just to be able to PK, Some people say its easy to train a list, but those same people play 10 hours a day and when they're not on their PC they'll use their phone, then theres the people who only want to pk and do nothing else in this game and have 1-2 hours per night and just want to have some Pking action but they simply wont even start because how hard it is. Drop rates are so horrible it's not worth farming unless you're doing it with 5+ accounts at the same time lol.

  There would be a huge amount of people willing to play if something was changed and there has been good and great suggestions on the forums here, but somehow, even though i know the staff can NEVER satisfy everyone, it seems they pick the most worst things or the things that no1 has actually even suggested, or maybe 1 or 2 of the ''active'' pkers. How to save wildy and get more active Pking scene is not to add any more rules into wilderness, no restrictions, not banning or disabling anything ( besides it should be F2P below fence and p2p permantnly because lets be real 98% of the people want it that way) but making it easier to afford pking, and get the accounts needed for Pking, i honestly don't understand why it's so hard for people to understand,  character sales are not allowed for GP and i don't understand why. It would boost the sub sales if you made it so it'd take a sub to xfer the account over, let people do it on their own risk. It's not like the people who would be willing to buy accounts for GP would train the accounts themselves if they're not allowed to, they simply wont then play. I've not even bothered to login for weeks and i've seen many of my fellow pkers be on the same route, within 2 months 2 of the most active teams that have been active for years on pking scene quit because shit is so boring and fucked up. Hopefully the staff comes up with a solution that's for the better for the RSC Pking community. They should honestly turn towards the people who have played through all these servers and pked on each one and who has seen what kills the pking and what improves and has some ACTUAL knowledge, instead of these forum warriors who wouldn't PK no matter what the rules are. I'll be tuning in if something is done in the future and pking starts popping off.

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artvandelay Send PM


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beatdown said:

KizL said:

Hey look the same ppl with the same points.  Yawn idgaf. You guys are the reason wild is dead.  Not the rules


funny how the multiloggers stuck around pked way more than you did on 1ip

admins can confirm logs, you logged in once or twice in a 3 month period when you finally got 1ip in whole wildy implemented, when i said "go ahead, do it, just so i can say i told you so afters"

can you please just stop being so dishonest kizl, i might actually consider you a real human being then, and debate with you reasonably

The week he spent pking was definitely worth the change he spent years crying for. People like him spend countless hours crying to get their way while they aren't active in game at all.

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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
Posts: 4,654

artvandelay said:

beatdown said:

KizL said:

Hey look the same ppl with the same points.  Yawn idgaf. You guys are the reason wild is dead.  Not the rules


funny how the multiloggers stuck around pked way more than you did on 1ip

admins can confirm logs, you logged in once or twice in a 3 month period when you finally got 1ip in whole wildy implemented, when i said "go ahead, do it, just so i can say i told you so afters"

can you please just stop being so dishonest kizl, i might actually consider you a real human being then, and debate with you reasonably

The week he spent pking was definitely worth the change he spent years crying for. People like him spend countless hours crying to get their way while they aren't active in game at all.

YoU DoNT PlAy huuuurrr duuurrr

Can confirm beatdown and the rest of you killed pking.


IGN: Alerion, No Mercy, Attila and KizL
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Pegi Send PM


From: Helsinki, Finland
Posts: 393

we have tried 1ip, 2ip, 1ip zone, multilog zone alongside with 1ip zone, no account parking, limited accounts etc, yet nobody of you crybabies never even PK'ed. then, we can look at the guys who went through all these changes and are still here today PK'ing while these idiots trying to fuck up their PK'ing, by not even having real intention to even PK.

you've had all of that above, now may i ask what these current loyal PK'ers have had when they've asked? answer is fucking nothing but a big slap into their face, by fucking up with the rules.

how about trying for ONCE something these current PK'ers are saying instead of listening this minority who ain't gonna PK regardless?


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nyx4 Send PM


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Pegi said:

now may i ask what these current loyal PK'ers have had when they've asked? answer is fucking nothing but a big slap into their face, by fucking up with the rules.

how about trying for ONCE something these current PK'ers are saying instead of listening this minority who ain't gonna PK regardless?

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Hungry Game Send PM


Posts: 251

Hungry Game said:

Pegi said:

how about trying for ONCE something these current PK'ers are saying instead of listening this minority who ain't gonna PK regardless?

Preach it, brother!


Good call numb nuts, now the wilds more dead than ever. This is why the pkers shouldn't have an opinion. It's a skillers wild, the pkers are followers and always have been. They log in for 30 mins a day and if there isn't any pk it's more like 5 mins. Let the great ideas come from the people who play the game for hours.

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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
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nyx4 said:

Pegi said:

now may i ask what these current loyal PK'ers have had when they've asked? answer is fucking nothing but a big slap into their face, by fucking up with the rules.

how about trying for ONCE something these current PK'ers are saying instead of listening this minority who ain't gonna PK regardless?

sorry the pkers now are the minority. theres like 20 of them that stop new ppl from playing.

no1 wants to train all those stupid ass accounts like you dumb ass nerds.


IGN: Alerion, No Mercy, Attila and KizL
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humans Send PM


From: Best Pk
Posts: 218

most people have a life and jobs. they dont have time to train 50 accounts. that's a mental disorder.

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Nyx Send PM


Posts: 1,077

You don't need 50 accounts 3 would be enough to compete and you can train them together make 3 65s you'll be competitive at 60s,

Some kind words from a fan

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Nyx Send PM


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humans said:

most people have a life and jobs. they dont have time to train 50 accounts. that's a mental disorder.

This guy is a troll acc

Some kind words from a fan

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cunnilingus11 Send PM


Posts: 72

Nyx said:

You don't need 50 accounts 3 would be enough to compete and you can train them together make 3 65s you'll be competitive at 60s,

Not really, 4 70s will log in around you.. how this server goes.

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N E 1 P K Send PM


Posts: 105

cunnilingus11 said:

Nyx said:

You don't need 50 accounts 3 would be enough to compete and you can train them together make 3 65s you'll be competitive at 60s,

Not really, 4 70s will log in around you.. how this server goes.

and what server has more PKing or even 10% of the playerbase Rev has? oh yeah none worth talking about, the only one in the past 2 years that had a playerbase merged with this one :joy:

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nyx4 Send PM


Posts: 31

cunnilingus11 said:

Nyx said:

You don't need 50 accounts 3 would be enough to compete and you can train them together make 3 65s you'll be competitive at 60s,

Not really, 4 70s will log in around you.. how this server goes.

Walk down 2 levels, solved.

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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
Posts: 4,654

Dumb ass shitty cheaters win again.  Bet they all said they'd stop playing and spending money so admins caved. RiP new ppl ever pking again.


IGN: Alerion, No Mercy, Attila and KizL
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nyx4 Send PM


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KizL said:

Dumb ass shitty cheaters win again.  Bet they all said they'd stop playing and spending money so admins caved. RiP new ppl ever pking again.


We need poll on banned people who dont play from forums

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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
Posts: 4,654

nyx4 said:

KizL said:

Dumb ass shitty cheaters win again.  Bet they all said they'd stop playing and spending money so admins caved. RiP new ppl ever pking again.


We need poll on banned people who dont play from forums

You need castrated.


IGN: Alerion, No Mercy, Attila and KizL
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rappsy Send PM


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KizL said:

Dumb ass shitty cheaters win again.  Bet they all said they'd stop playing and spending money so admins caved. RiP new ppl ever pking again.


There are plenty of new people that play this game and join current teams or form their own team. Moss, Ronald, and Juice are examples of people that are new to rsc or new to pking and quite active. People who want to stick around and learn to pk are more then welcome and there are also quite a few people who take these people under their wing and teach them. If people want to learn how to pk then they will put the effort into it instead of quitting after things aren't the same was as original rsc. You're constantly of the opinion that the mods should change the rules and handicap current players when current players can actually make an effort to help new players which quite a few people do. There are plenty of people who pk on RSCRev that never pked before but now actively do so on Rev. Taking things away from the loyal players is just going to discourage them from playing. They're the people who have stuck around for years and will continue to do so until they reach a boiling point due to unwanted changes. What you're suggesting is what the majority of the active loyal pkers don't want.

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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
Posts: 4,654

The 3 that stuck around and the 50+ that train then never log on again after they realize it sucks is far superior, but ok.


Last edited by KizL (26 Jan 2019 21:46)

IGN: Alerion, No Mercy, Attila and KizL
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nyx4 Send PM


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I played RSC in 2003, then not until rev in 2016 I managed?

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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
Posts: 4,654

nyx4 said:

I played RSC in 2003, then not until rev in 2016 I managed?

Get on my level 2002-2008 real rsc then i've been on every pserver worth playing after. There's a reason i don't play anymore.


IGN: Alerion, No Mercy, Attila and KizL
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