Make death runes more common

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Skin3 Send PM


Posts: 18

Death runes price is at all time high. Deaths are used for pking. I do not see a reason why they should be super expensive and a semi-rare item. I used up more than 2k casts in 2 days. The high price of deaths does not benefit anyone. I would suggest to make them 60gp ea in magebank and 2x as common as drops. Should anyone here present know of any reason that the price of death runes should not be lowered, speak now or forever hold your peace.

Last edited by Skin3 (9 Jan 2019 13:34)

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sirpyrrhic Send PM


Posts: 330

death runes? what are they going for?  Ive not bothered picking up runes once i realized the time spent picking them up was costing me money.

I miss pking in chaos druid robes and bunny ears

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Synesthesic Send PM


From: Heroes Guild
Posts: 160


Market economy evolves organically as a result of player interaction. If the price of Death Runes is high, that indicates a high demand and low supply of them. That is simply one feature of the game.

It does not mean that we should immediately throw up our arms and completely destroy this particular market by adding them to Mage Bank for 60gp each (LOL).

Skin3 said:

The high price of deaths does not benefit anyone.

Skin3 said:

I would suggest to make them 60gp ea in magebank and 2x as common as drops.

There are people that play this game for PvE-exclusive reasons. These players make literally hundreds of Death Runes a day and rely on this and numerous other Rune drops for a steady income. What would become of them if your proposition was to be implemented?

Entitled Gamer said:

“I want a Party Hat but prices for them are at an all-time high. I suggest we add them to Mage Bank for 60gp each..!”

See, it doesn’t work like that...

If you want to PK, do the work necessary to obtain the supplies to PK.

Last edited by Synesthesic (9 Jan 2019 19:53)

No.1 Ranger

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Skin3 Send PM


Posts: 18

You must be fun at parties.

The only reason deaths are good for is PKing. They should not be hoarded by some pixel hoarding edgesitters.

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Synesthesic Send PM


From: Heroes Guild
Posts: 160

Skin3 said:

You must be fun at parties.

The only reason deaths are good for is PKing. They should not be hoarded by some pixel hoarding edgesitters.

That is not a sufficient response to my discussion points.

I have farmed hundreds of thousands of Death Runes over the year that I have been playing RSCR.

I am not an Edge-Sitter.

You are welcome to buy Death Runes off me, but -1 to your initial suggestion.

Last edited by Synesthesic (9 Jan 2019 20:53)

No.1 Ranger

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Skin3 Send PM


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Synesthesic said:

Skin3 said:

You must be fun at parties.

The only reason deaths are good for is PKing. They should not be hoarded by some pixel hoarding edgesitters.

That is not a sufficient response to my discussion points.

What is the discussion point exactly? Saying I am entitled because cheaper death runes would make more people PK and would harm absolutely no-one and more fun for everyone? Death runes are not rare items and its a very small proportion of the whole market. Do you even PK? I mean if you do, you should know it gets annoying.

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Skin3 Send PM


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Synesthesic said:

Skin3 said:

You must be fun at parties.

The only reason deaths are good for is PKing. They should not be hoarded by some pixel hoarding edgesitters.

That is not a sufficient response to my discussion points.

I have farmed hundreds of thousands of Death Runes over the year that I have been playing RSCR.

I am not an Edge-Sitter.

You are welcome to buy Death Runes off me, but -1 to your initial suggestion.

Cool, I have used hundreds of thousand of death runes while PKing.

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Synesthesic Send PM


From: Heroes Guild
Posts: 160

To be clear, I have nothing against you at all, Skin3. All that I am saying is that we should not be so quick to alter other economies for the sole purpose of making PKing more accessible.

PKing is one feature of the game. There are numerous features of this game that are locked behind gates that involve huge time investments. To an extent, even levelling a character for the sole purpose of PKing takes a large investment of one's time.

I am not a PKer. I am a farmer/skiller. That being said, I have spent a lot of my time talking to very active PKers and I can certainly appreciate a PKer's point of view.

I come from the point of view that I want RSCR to be enjoyable to as many types of players as possible. However, we need to approach topics where new inclusions are being considered, very carefully. The playerbase of RSCR can, oftentimes, be delicate. As is the market.

That is, essentially, my point.

No.1 Ranger

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Skin3 Send PM


Posts: 18

So what youre saying is some people who have a lot of death runes might get sad if the price gets lowered? Add a date (death runes will be 60gp in 1month time). Death runes are consumables and as far as I know there is no NPC that is especially good to farm death runes. What I mean is, you re not going to farm a certain NPC just for deaths. Death runes are still a very marginal drop of all the possible drops from NPCs. It will not affect the entire market. I just checked hiscores to see how many casts Ive spelled. 53k casts on ONE char, I have magic on more than 15 pkers. Of these casts 99% spells are using death runes. Trust me, the market will survive and will not collapse. Of all the items, lowering death rune price would make the most sense IMO.

So I take it you would be against death runes price being lowered. Or do you think the RSCR playerbase is, oftentimes, delicate?  Hate asking again but why?

Last edited by Skin3 (9 Jan 2019 21:39)

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Z E R 0 D E Send PM


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gikve me death runes there u go

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Solo Ironman Send PM


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+1000.. pking is dieing and the main factor is the supplies are soo expensive.. i sometimes stand at cas 3-4 hrs and not see anyone, if they were cheaper id be pking non stop but i cant afford that.. staff do something plz, most the pkers have already quit

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Solo Ironman Send PM


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Synesthesic said:

To be clear, I have nothing against you at all, Skin3. All that I am saying is that we should not be so quick to alter other economies for the sole purpose of making PKing more accessible.

PKing is one feature of the game. There are numerous features of this game that are locked behind gates that involve huge time investments. To an extent, even levelling a character for the sole purpose of PKing takes a large investment of one's time.

I am not a PKer. I am a farmer/skiller. That being said, I have spent a lot of my time talking to very active PKers and I can certainly appreciate a PKer's point of view.

I come from the point of view that I want RSCR to be enjoyable to as many types of players as possible. However, we need to approach topics where new inclusions are being considered, very carefully. The playerbase of RSCR can, oftentimes, be delicate. As is the market.

That is, essentially, my point.

You have never pked before.. i guarantee if u pked for a week u woukd change ur mind.. new pkers wont survive with this market, u pretty much need to be in a team to pk or you will be ganked and they will struggle to find a team.. then they have to learn to actually pk and will lose alot of sets and casts.. yes there are tournaments but that mainly only teachs u to cast and eat.. no point going into wild casting and not know how to catch cause u wont get any kills and just run out of casts then that 60k gone.. make runes cheaper, swordfish prices will go up cause there will be more pkers, its a win win, but yeah most of the pkers have quit now.. something needs to happen.. most of the pking is team fights or ganking, say u go into a war and use 400 casts and get no kills thats 200k+ gone.. cause most pking is ffa u dont split the loot only SOMETIMES if its at fort, then theres the swordfish cost and u could end up dieing once or twice.. pking is so expensive

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Fah King Vet Send PM


Posts: 43

I told em this.. they say "theres no shortage" just cuz the backend number is high. What I'd like to know is how many of them are on chars that have been active in the last week? How many of them are in the AH for sale? How many were used in the last week?

Just cuz u look and see on backend.. oh theres 785k deaths ingame. Well that's way too many.

Not considering the fact that only 250k of them are on active chars and only 35k are for sale.

And 32k of those 35k for sale are being sold by a merchant who, let's face it, really doesnt ever expect them to sell them for such a ridiculously high amount unless the person buying is like extremely desperate.

These are not fully accurate numbers but I guarentee they're not far off...

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Fah King Vet Send PM


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Synes.. you're comments are poorly thought out. What do you think made the price of death runes rise? You think maybe perhaps the fact that p2p pk was removed to only above gate? Maybe fort sucking the life out of all our banks?

It was CHANGES that made this happen.

And like I told staff when changes were first made... adjust drop table. Switch out 3/4 of blood drops for deaths.

You also realize synes... These are not original RSC drop rates. The drop rates we have are a collection of people adjusting and fucking with it since this source was first created. That's alot of guys. And most if which didnt have much of an idea what they were doing. And I'm sorry but your comparison of death runes to p hats is probably the dumbest thing I read this week..

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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
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Cheaper runes more pking. It's simple.  Fuck skillers.



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artvandelay Send PM


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I like the idea of reducing blood rune drops and increasing deaths since p2p pk isn't popular. This would definitely be a step in the right direction.

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artvandelay Send PM


Posts: 22

I like the idea of reducing blood rune drops and increasing deaths since p2p pk isn't popular. This would definitely be a step in the right direction.

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3o5 Send PM


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artvandelay said:

I like the idea of reducing blood rune drops and increasing deaths since p2p pk isn't popular. This would definitely be a step in the right direction.

Increasing drops is okay. The mage bank store sells them and I think that should be removed.

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Pegi Send PM


From: Helsinki, Finland
Posts: 393

Synesthesic said:

To be clear, I have nothing against you at all, Skin3. All that I am saying is that we should not be so quick to alter other economies for the sole purpose of making PKing more accessible.

PKing is one feature of the game. There are numerous features of this game that are locked behind gates that involve huge time investments. To an extent, even levelling a character for the sole purpose of PKing takes a large investment of one's time.

I am not a PKer. I am a farmer/skiller. That being said, I have spent a lot of my time talking to very active PKers and I can certainly appreciate a PKer's point of view.

I come from the point of view that I want RSCR to be enjoyable to as many types of players as possible. However, we need to approach topics where new inclusions are being considered, very carefully. The playerbase of RSCR can, oftentimes, be delicate. As is the market.

That is, essentially, my point.

"i want RSCR to be enjoyable to as many types of players as possible", LMFAO! how on earth you think it's enjoyable for any PK'er in here when supplies cost like a fuck and on top of that, they're training those accounts for 15th time in a 10 years. then, what you get in return by spending those overpriced runes? an action, and even that is no guaranteed in here just because how hard it is been made for being a PK'er.

i don't know how anyone can be stupid as you, because you clearly do not understand how this game works in 2019. everything you say are complete BS and all you do is referring on your own way of playing this game, which CLEARLY isn't how majority of the players want to play this game in 2019 OR, do you think that current playerbase isn't CLEAR enough to prove that? how on earth you cannot see that? read this slowly: YOU - CANNOT - DEMAND - PEOPLE - TO - PLAY - AS - THE - WAY - YOU - SEE - BEING - THE - RIGHT - WAY, understood? there's 70 people playing just like you, that's minority and the majority, would be willing in a different way. there could be an easy fix to combine those playerbases without fucking up with the gameplay but no, you're supposed to click that pixelated water out of your valuable spare time in 2019, in order to play a videogame which is nearly 20 years old, in a private server while losing absolute fucking nothing by not doing so.

one more time: you're not in the position of telling people how to play, those who are playing or would be willing to play are the ones who make the demands and then, it's up to those people in charge whether they want to change things so more players would be willing to play. that's about that and any bitching about lack of the playerbase while being stuck on 2001 and medival way of playing this game is HYPOCRITE AS FUCK, just saying because at the same time you want more players, but at the same time you ain't willing to change anything so STICK to either one, whether you want more players or not, but don't fucking ask people to play in YOUR way and expect more people playing because it is not WORKING.

Last edited by Pegi (15 Jan 2019 12:44)


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torque13 Send PM


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you can pick up thousands of death runes easily by killing OWB. they drop like crazy, or get good at pking and u wont waste casts and youll get other peoples deaths when you kill them