Good luck everyone. Gangland Joe is out. Finito.
Some ideas. Over 45 hours spent in game fighting NPCs with 0 r2h drops. Add another account with a few hours no R2h. Most of the time clicktraining. Even after maxing out at level 80 I kept going for 2 days but nothing. Had to sell everything I got from supply drops to eventually get a r2h and got killed in front of the bank. I didnt understand how the deadman guards work. Apparently they dont attack skulled trespassers and protect a certain area but instead they attack players who go to the safe zone. My own fault, not blaming anyone. Considering I died near western Varrock bank I had no idea. Ive seen alot of people quit for the same reason. Now a common answer is "would it be better if everyone had a R2h" (lol) or "supply drops are just something to give you a boost not rely on"... Ahem, not really. Theres no other way to optain a R2H that get lucky on a drop. Unless you got rune full armor on R baxe/rune long is just super crappy weapons when faced with R2h. Near impossible to get any GP going f2p. You can try smithing/mining but if youre already high level youre going to get PKed for sure. Some tried but the top smithing level has only dropped as days go by. Go figure. A lot of people have quit for the same reason. Quite a few maxed people who still dont have a R2h. I did have 100% of free time in my hands during 14-18 of august to play this mode and it was fun but Im left a bit frustrated it comes down to drop rate luck and I feel bad for wasting this many hours just to give up.
Conclusion for my DMM experience/future suggestions.
If you could fix the R2h drop rate for the next season this mode has a huge potential and is a way more addictive than any other version of RS Ive played. Was def fun.
F2P only DMM - much better than P2P.
Combat cap 80 and xp rate - good for 2-3-4 weeks.
Supply drops - are okay, but dont make R2H extremely rare. 45 hours grinding without getting one is insane. Id say make R2h 10 times more common (YES, 10 times since 45hours no R2H is insane) and not a super rare item. Seriously, check my online time and monsters killed. Other items dont have to be this common and could have the same rates. This way you can actually PK at any level.
No trading, just 4 items AH - I like it. Its a good idea. But this again means R2H isnt a super rare item. Cant stress it enough.
Dungeons level 3-80... Doesnt make any sense to me. I thought before the mode was released people were saying but oh you dont have to get all 99s and stuff. This is just good for high levels who have a r2h and bad for everyone who is even a bit late (keep in mind less than a day after the start the highest level was already 77...) or who dont have time to play alot.
More multi areas, barbarian village doesnt have any attractive NPCS around them.
Make some attractive NPC place with better supply drops to get people out of safe zones. A lot of players are either training near banks or lumbridge. Or they have a spy+teleport ready to get away easily. Boring.
Safe fishing spot. Currently its +15/- levels so you might see someone log under the fishing spot with a previously parked spy. Since you cant log out while running or teleport youre probably going to die if the agressor is of similar level.
Could be good if you could safe deposit box GP. Make it more interesting so you cant deposit more than 80% of your GP and lose the GP you have in your bank on death.
Make deadman guard protect certain map area instead of making the map "safe/not safe" zone. Would make more sense.
Mining mode with ores going straight to bank! This way there would be a point to try to mine/smith and it would make it more fun. As of right now people found out for themselves its not worth it.
Right now the situation in DMM looks like South Parks World of Warcraft episode lol.