"Show Bones On Ground" option shouldn't hide big/dragon bones.

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Businessman Send PM


Posts: 7

When I discovered this option a little while ago I was happy to find that it worked as you'd hope. It hid all the regular bones but not big or dragon bones. This made a lot of sense to me as I think most people who are trying to get prayer exp would focus on burying big/dragon bones. Lastly some people would also collect dragon bones for selling on auction house.

Then the other day it got updated to hide all bones, so now you've gotta toggle between them frequently. I propose this either gets changed back or add another option to the list of options where you can disable regular bones only.

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runeknight95 Send PM


From: Pleb Nation
Posts: 916

I agree and posted in the news about this.

If its not too hard to code, maybe options for regular/big/dragon limits.

Some people farm giants for example for limps and dont care about the bones, fire giants too for stuff and dont care about the bones and some people do.

Dragon bones I dont think would be an issue at 3k-5k each people picking those up or burying them

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