`Treasure Trails, God Armors & Trimmed!

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WickedIndica Send PM


Posts: 13

clue scroll
'a pile of bones beyond shadows and demons. you might be skilled but beware fire breathins'.


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Sevenfold Send PM


Posts: 1

Dig when perfect gold is his, hardened helmet be your lid, ghost translator be your cord, and delriths killer be your sword

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ReconOne Send PM


From: Edgeville:Recon Army Reporting
Posts: 403

Post in the treasure clues area, easier to find

WickedIndica said:

clue scroll
'a pile of bones beyond shadows and demons. you might be skilled but beware fire breathins'.

Legends guild, basement where the black dragon is, dig on the bones

Clue Help:
Equip/cryptic /Anagram / Hard Dig locations  / Sets [img]https://snipboard.io/n4Bz9b.jpg[/img]

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ReconOne Send PM


From: Edgeville:Recon Army Reporting
Posts: 403

Sevenfold said:

Dig when perfect gold is his, hardened helmet be your lid, ghost translator be your cord, and delriths killer be your sword

"perfect gold" = hint from the family crest quest , 2nd  son (one in al kalrid) "made from the finest gold."

Don't remember the dungeon name, its the one we used to have lvl 3 survivals with the hell hound, east of ardy.  equip hardened helm and silverlight and dig in that room (cant remember where..near mid i think)

Clue Help:
Equip/cryptic /Anagram / Hard Dig locations  / Sets [img]https://snipboard.io/n4Bz9b.jpg[/img]

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Noliferqt Send PM


From: Sweden
Posts: 47

Selling 3rd age sets pm me ingame.

rscrevolution.com aka. Nolifer <terrisluts>
normal rscrevolution aka. S a y u m i <Maxed>

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Taavisto Send PM


Posts: 6

I got a five-step easy clue, seemed a bit under rewarding. It gave me a water staff, 8 def pots and 24mith arrows...
Looks like I need to solve the hard ones

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Joeyblue Send PM


Posts: 35

Where is the list of possible rewards from the clues?

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ReconOne Send PM


From: Edgeville:Recon Army Reporting
Posts: 403

Joeyblue said:

Where is the list of possible rewards from the clues?

You can see some of the in my signature.

Armor by tiers
Easy scrolls have a chance to give iron or black (t) and (g) armors.
Medium scrolls have a chance to give mithril or adamantite (t) and (g) armors.
Hard scrolls have a chance to give rune (t) and (g) armors, or god armors.

Note easy requires no quests, ie just talking to people, diging in locations not locked behind quests (a lvl 20 can do it, just a lot of teleporting).
Medium require most quests, plus have a chance to spawn a lvl 87 god mage who can poison you.
Hard requires everything finished (access to legends, shilo, high wild, kbd lair, etc etc).  Also has chance to summon 247 god mage who casts god spells (yes he can hit 27s + poison...so watch it even on flats).

Hope that helps, there are two posts i made with most of the clues listed, if you see one not there (ctrl F to search) ask in discord or /w me ingame @ reconone or write on the two posts.

http://www.rscrevolution.com/viewtopic.php?id=12499 for anagrams
http://www.rscrevolution.com/viewtopic. … 819#p79819 for cryptic and equipment clues

Last edited by ReconOne (23 Nov 2017 03:49)

Clue Help:
Equip/cryptic /Anagram / Hard Dig locations  / Sets [img]https://snipboard.io/n4Bz9b.jpg[/img]

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Joeyblue Send PM


Posts: 35

I mentioned a list of everything from clues I have gotten iron t and black g from easy clues

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Honour Send PM


From: Australia
Posts: 117

Sick! I might have to start playing again big_smile

Peace over anger.
Honour over hate.
Strength over fear.

aka. punKrockeR

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Sh1ny Benz Send PM


Posts: 5

Chances of adding 3rd-age armours to RSC? =p

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bechet Send PM


Posts: 4

damn black dragon fucking lost that stake god damn gold lost fuck my life this is getting annoying *residentevil* i just put it back. get the fuck off d2jsp broke ass brother robots

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Billy Send PM

Former Admin

From: Ardougne
Posts: 2,997

Lesser Demons now have a chance to drop medium clue scrolls.

[img]https://i.imgur.com/3xbQmDo.gif[/img]Read the rules: Automated play is a bannable offense![img]https://i.imgur.com/HtElPYg.gif[/img]
lol Billy Mays' Quest Reviews lol

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ReconOne Send PM


From: Edgeville:Recon Army Reporting
Posts: 403

Billy said:

Lesser Demons now have a chance to drop medium clue scrolls.

That will be nice...can semi afk them on a flat at kara volcano

Can dark wizards (the 13s or 25s) get easy clues drops?  Same level ranges as thugs/warriors.  Also would give a third wild afk spot in the far west side.

Clue Help:
Equip/cryptic /Anagram / Hard Dig locations  / Sets [img]https://snipboard.io/n4Bz9b.jpg[/img]

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Sosa Send PM


From: swords nightmares
Posts: 149

fart monster in 93 wildy

*beta tester *combat formula tester *first to slay whiteboy 3x in a row *first to kill someone with a pickaxe *first ironman in legends guild *first to dismantle swordpire *first pk in rscr


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ReconOne Send PM


From: Edgeville:Recon Army Reporting
Posts: 403

Clue Help:
Equip/cryptic /Anagram / Hard Dig locations  / Sets [img]https://snipboard.io/n4Bz9b.jpg[/img]

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3o5 Send PM


Posts: 233

Does the in game bestiary show clue scrolls when you view the NPC?

Hopefully we can search by drops instead of NPCs soon smile

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Mod Lucki Send PM

Senior Moderator

From: Taverly
Posts: 65

I'm pretty sure it does. Or should at least.

Every adventure requires a first step..