Hide items for ironman

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PolarBear Send PM


Posts: 99

So i was curious if this is possible to create

If you're ironman can you disable visable items for just other players?

I often have to abandon training spots beacuse my items are under other's

If the option for disabling worked for ironman just to hide other's items it would help a lot

Last edited by PolarBear (8 Jul 2016 20:20)

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Scornedpks Send PM


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pricey Send PM


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I like that idea


Ironman - #1 I R0 N
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Ghasp Send PM


From: Rock
Posts: 561

Yes please +1

Ribbit. Ribbit. CROAK.

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PolarBear Send PM


Posts: 99

Need more feedback!! <3
thank you scornedpks, pricey and ghasp smile
Would love to be able to hide other player's items on ironman mode

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Scornedpks Send PM


Posts: 17

You pointed out all the plan. Make a toggle to show or not show loot from others. I would like this for the whole game. Not game breaking, not easier, and doesnt give any advantages. This already exists for loot in general. Should only. Be a few lines of code to change it for just others loot.

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Ghasp Send PM


From: Rock
Posts: 561

Add this, a person who would turn bank notes to items, a way for ulti iron to get subs from bank (withdraw only no deposit?) and a way for iron to legitly complete arav and hero's and I think iron would be a finished product

Last edited by Ghasp (9 Jul 2016 01:29)

Ribbit. Ribbit. CROAK.

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PolarBear Send PM


Posts: 99

Reconsider this!

Allow hide other players item drops to allow ironman to gather their drops without being covered in

" you are ironman you cannot pickup other players items"

Which ones are mine?

It would be nice to train at the good spots without losing out on drops.

Last edited by PolarBear (12 Jul 2016 19:08)

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meyvn Send PM


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Scornedpks said:

I would like this for the whole game.

I don't see any point in doing it for the whole game. It would be simple enough to just make it an automatic setting on an Ironman account. Otherwise people are going to toggle the loot off like idiots then forget about it and cry when they don't see items at a drop party or something silly like that. Forget to turn it on and wonder why nothing is dropping loot for hours.

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PolarBear Send PM


Posts: 99


Hide items for ironman

Simply put, i would like to see only MY items when on ironman so it's easier to loot.

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RickSanchez Send PM


From: Wisconsin
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Focus on science.

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ifish Send PM


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also if you kill something in the wild, sometimes it glitches and thinks its another person who killed it and you cant pick it up even if you indeed killed it.


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PolarBear Send PM


Posts: 99

ifish said:

also if you kill something in the wild, sometimes it glitches and thinks its another person who killed it and you cant pick it up even if you indeed killed it.

I havent noticed that but seems like it could be fixed as a result of the same fix as noted above.

Since i first requested this, more people are playing ironman mode and would probably agree that it's impossible to loot your own items if you're training in the same area as others.

It could be under the same option as "make items visable"
Instead, it could be "on" "off" and include a "personal" option for visable items.

There have been countless times I was forced to abandon training areas if even 1 other player is there because I could not loot my own items. MANY areas I'm forced to avoid entirely as a result of popularity simply because I can not loot my drops.

99% of ironman players would agree, we have to make severe compromises just to see our own loot.

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Jan Send PM


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Puremanl said:

+1 did this ever get implemented?

Not yet mate

Veteran mode player

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JediMindTrix Send PM


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w4rmachine Send PM


Posts: 134

I'm a bit confused. If I'm on a regular non ironman account, anyone can pick up my items it I'm AFK and not picking up in a timely manner. So why would Ironman be any different? Pay attention to your screen like you would on a regular account. Am I missing something?

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w4rmachine Send PM


Posts: 134

Puremanl said:

yes you are, we can't pick anything up dropped by other people. So it is very annoying and hard when training combat around other peoples item stacks. When we go to pick an item up there is 10+ of the other guys items mixed in. Then if there is lets say multiple of the same item we have to click on each one and hope it is ours.

it is a huge pain in the ass

Okay, I understand now. +1 to Ironmen only being able to see their own drops.