remove auto following on range in combat

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kweef Send PM


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please fix this

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Nerdy Send PM


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Got to finally experience this first-hand.. dude had 5 clients up.. 1 mele, 3 rangers, and a mage.. so he just clicked on me once with the rangers, and stayed catching on the fighter.. and then would mage in between fights, (guessing he put one of his alts, me, or his fighter on follow) .. if that doesn't just take the joy out of the game.. wow.

Last edited by Nerdy (28 May 2018 17:47)

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eclectic Send PM


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they aren't going to fix this apparently since auto following was allowed in classic rscrevolution..
thing is multi-clienting was rare on that server due to how much of a grind it was to build an account we have up to 19.5x that rate come on now .. evolve please the game is different here for pking..

this auto follow range shit is pathetic..

and ON TOP of people that could even multi in orig rsc (which was once again not as prevalent as it is here)
they wouldn't have 3 rangers at every level that they just log in and click on someone once and had everything automatically done for them..

you serious staff?

its a completely different ballgame.. I get trying to stick to the original as much as possible but that logic is  flawed from its inception because of the different exp rates as it is.

almost every pker has been against this.. except the ones logging in 3 accounts to range 1 while they melee and catch on another.

Last edited by eclectic (15 Jun 2018 22:04)

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w4rmachine Send PM


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If we wanted an exact replica we wouldn't have been playing private servers for the past 10 years. A lot of things were broken in real Rsc. Catching has been broken there quite some time now (spam click autocatches 100%), so should we replicate that? There's no telling how things were, the game has been unsupported for 15 years.

The reason this Server in particular has strived is they make updates classic likely would have made had they continued development. Point is, Ranged Follow shit is fucking ridiculous, casual and everyday PKers alike hate it. The time it took to create PKers in classic and the fact it was played on a browser the multi-ing in today's age is nothing like it was/would have ever been there.

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Pepsi Send PM


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eclectic said:

they aren't going to fix this apparently since auto following was allowed in classic rscrevolution..

The information you received is incorrect.  Kleio posted video snips on discord yesterday, which showed that he was working on the change.  Kleio or Billy would be able to tell us exactly when it will be implemented.

We have heard you, and it is definitely going to happen big_smile

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JediMindTrix Send PM


From: Nerdville
Posts: 659

Rip fuck.boys using auto range follow

1st to max out on rscrevolution and 3rd.
Only player with 3 maxed accounts active on rscrevolution. 1 over a billion xp 1 over 600m and 1 over 300m.
Only player to max out more then once on rscrevolution.

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eclectic Send PM


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Mod Pepsi said:

eclectic said:

they aren't going to fix this apparently since auto following was allowed in classic rscrevolution..

The information you received is incorrect.  Kleio posted video snips on discord yesterday, which showed that he was working on the change.  Kleio or Billy would be able to tell us exactly when it will be implemented.

We have heard you, and it is definitely going to happen big_smile

oh thank baby jesus

rip multi'rs relying on that bs so lame

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Pink and Blue Bottles Send PM


Posts: 64

eclectic said:

except the ones logging in 3 accounts to range 1 while they melee and catch on another.

I agree it should be removed but tbh, everyone who can already do it can do the same shit just fine without auto follow, there was servers before this where multi was far worse and pkers far better, some of which play here

except nyx, I think his days are over now this is fixed

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Jammy Bank Send PM


Posts: 39

ye cos its so hard to click attack on 3 clients

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I fun I Send PM


Posts: 67

+1 yes pls not fair to us who arent cheating

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Honour Send PM


From: Australia
Posts: 117

I haven't pked in 2 years because of multi heat. It's such a sad, skilless way to play. +99

Last edited by Honour (21 Jun 2018 23:25)

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Jan Send PM


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+1 and bump

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Pepsi Send PM


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This has been completed and implemented