If you can mine coal in the mining guild with 3 characters at one time (while doing the proper rotation, of course) then you should be adequately rewarded because clearly, you are a skilled motherfucker. I could maybe do two but it would require some really intense concentration over an extended period of time.
Not sure why people keep complaining about multiloggers farming. If you want to farm the maximum amount of resources in the shortest amount of time, then multilogging is your answer. If you want to play the game casually, then play it casually - you shouldn't get butthurt about other people getting more $ per hour than you when there is nothing holding you back from doing the same.
Edit: judging by what I've seen on this server over the past couple years, I HIGHLY doubt anyone is botting in the mining guild or anywhere else, for that matter. Botters tend to get sniffed out in no time at all.