Welcome dude,
Don't be like jammy, Green, Nyx, Reines or Renevald and everyone will be cool with you.
I wish I remembered all the names of people in 2001+ rsc times, I can only remember the name of the 40 year old woman who was paying for my membership when I was 13 because we were "married" in the game. Ah, good times.. Hanging out in wildy with P hats, talking shit to botters and trying to sell things in Varrok Square by rapidly typing @ran@ @cya@ @red@ over and over before every sentence.
Whats your take on rs2 r3? I entertained RS2 for a while but it was corny compared to rsc felt more like a kiddy game, couldn't shake the greatness and lameness of rsc pking and killing someone at varrok wildy lvl 1 to find that elusive big blue r2h on the ground. RS3, I tried it last Oct.. within 2 days of doing nothing I accumulated 5+ million just by standing around.. that plus the pet cats, very gay capes and excessive graphics that are trying to be great but just slowing the latency was just garbage to me. I did like redeeming some $$ for my 15 year cape.. but other than standing around and talking or hitting the dance move buttons.. Not much to do that was fun. If you want 5 mill on rs3 let me know!