As of right now Hardened Armour is used only for stakers and I think that is just really fucking dumb because I love the idea of better Armour being more common in the wilderness.
I think rune 2 hands having its owned version of Hardened would spice up pure pking the Pures are always complaining about not hitting tanks how about let combine 5 of there 2 hands to make a Hardened 2h that gives the a few points in attack or strength.
My Idea is to combine 5 regular Armour piece to make 1 Hardened piece.
I would hope that every Armour from Iron to Dragon has a Hardened version.
I feel this would add a new dynamic to the wilderness as well as remove excess Armour from the game.
This would make smithers want to smith again!
Make Hardened Armour Great again!