this is so fucking gay motherfuckers chaning rules at the end of the fucking deadline its fucking retarted pretty sure this event is rigged to fit a mods char or a modsmate.....
First of all no rules were changed. The rule was always just no wined chars. If you already had a wined char or certain quests that give unfair advantage that you made before our Offset Staking Fix you can have it adjusted by an Admin, this was allowed from the beginning but it was added to the post to make it more clear. This gives no one an advantage.
Second of all this is basically Tadas Event. All I did was write the post for him.
Third of all this is a free event. You lose nothing, the only thing you have to do is have a chance to win some free things.
Fourth of all this event is being run by me and Mod White, neither of us are regular stakers.
Sorry to burst your bubble but we don't care who wins... I hope whoever wins is some random new poor guy though.
I don't think White is even making a 61. I am because I am a player also but I don't care if I lose. All I care about is having fun.
I'm sick of people claiming that Mods rig things or abuse.
Admins can see everything that mods do in logs and check them daily.
There is no way a mod can abuse without getting caught. All special commands and locations they go to are logged.
If a mod does anything for personal gain using mod or while doing/setting up events they will be decrowned in the blink of an eye.
Mods can NOT spawn items.
Anything you see a mod wearing is their property from their personal accounts. (Excluding Ghostly Robes)
Any Prize for any Event is either out of pocket or a donation from a player.
Mods do not get paid, we do this for the love of the game in our free time.
Automated Lottery is %100 Random Number Generated.
RSCR is a Professional Server. NO funny business here. Please have some respect for us.