It's always been my personal belief that if one prefers to play with the original 1x exp rates, they should simply play the original game. Private servers allow the liberty to increase the exp rates and make the playing experience more enjoyable and less grindy. And the original RSC exp rates are already so excruciatingly slow that even with the multiplied rates, it still takes a player many, many hours to max their stats here on RSC Revolution. I believe a recent player maxed with around 54 days of in-game playing time. That is over 1,000 hours! I agree that if anything, the development team should INCREASE exp rates, not decrease them. Many of us are advanced in years now, with family and work obligations taking precedence. Grinding forever simply is not viable for many anymore. I know you want an authentic RSC experience though. I promise you that you will get that here. Like one of the posters said, 1-40 goes pretty quickly. After that, the time spent levelling is increasingly logarithmic, just as in the original game. I promise you that if you train anything level 40+ for a while, you will be of a different opinion
I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in His Word I do hope.
- Psalm 130:5