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sirpyrrhic Send PM


Posts: 330

I notice in edgy there is that mad zammy guy selling permissions or something or other to use rune plate n drag weapons and also quest items.  Are the drag weapons and rune plates a one time purchase and they unlock the ability to equip that item for ever? or do you need to keep buting from him if you have not done the required quests?

Can you complete dragon slayer without magic?  and what about whatever quest that unlocks the dragon b axe? ive never had one of those.

I miss pking in chaos druid robes and bunny ears

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ReconOne Send PM


From: Edgeville:Recon Army Reporting
Posts: 403

You buy the rights to use the item forever (also able to buy the item from him for vendor cost (klanks being 5k, same as going to underground and buying a new pair)).

Can complete d slayer without magic, justs costs 1mil for the third map part, rather then shooting the goblin in jail and tele grab (magic) you just talk to him, or knock on door and pay 1 mil for it.

Dont think you can get b axe without magic doing quests, but can buy rights to b axe for i think 2 or 3 mil from edge guy.

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