Anagram help- chapel rune

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Rodny poe Send PM


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Med clue- What is anagram chapel rune med

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gftygod Send PM


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Chapel rune


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ReconOne Send PM


From: Edgeville:Recon Army Reporting
Posts: 403

Be sure you are looking at the two lists when doing clues, this one is on it and is what gftygod stated.
for anagrams
for equipment / cryptic clues

Clue Help:
Equip/cryptic /Anagram / Hard Dig locations  / Sets [img][/img]

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Billy Send PM

Former Admin

From: Ardougne
Posts: 2,997

Hmm, I think this clue might not be completable if you have already finished Lost City. (If you haven't completed Lost City, this clue would be easily done). If that's the case let a senior mod know to spawn the Leprechaun and I will replace the clue.

[img][/img]Read the rules: Automated play is a bannable offense![img][/img]
lol Billy Mays' Quest Reviews lol

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Fortune Send PM


From: Alaska
Posts: 110

If you have finished Lost City, you are still able to search the tree and spawn the leprechaun.

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ReconOne Send PM


From: Edgeville:Recon Army Reporting
Posts: 403

Fortune said:

If you have finished Lost City, you are still able to search the tree and spawn the leprechaun.

Can confirm, just search tree and he pops out again, just like Vampire slayer, select close on the coffin and count draynor pops up to talk to.

Clue Help:
Equip/cryptic /Anagram / Hard Dig locations  / Sets [img][/img]