What happened to you being Olly though?
Or what about how you wait on scouts to watch flats wars, then wait in 5 wilderness for the people with no food running out? How come you never addressed that fact?
^^ This, said you were Olly to try keep up your family man image where you ''only play 1 hour a week and when you do there is hell to pay for anyone in your path!!'' when in fact you're on all the time.
And how on earth do you expect me to believe Uncer, from the picture you posted there of Queeny PJ'ing himself, that you legitimately caught him from full food to no food? After it's been proven time and time again, video or not, that you sit on scouts watching wars picking off whoevers lowest at the end? I can almost guarantee you chased him after he got away in a war, just like in the Beatdown video. You have got a compulsive lying disorder or something it's pretty damn hilarious honestly, GG no re
I don't have any lies, I 1v1'd you and 5 fights in as you saw you were losing you logged multi. Despite you being one asking for 1v1. You have nothing to say, your oppinion does not matter. You are none entitled to have an oppinion, when you pull stuff like that, don't expect anything from anyone else. You are the lowest form of trash wannabe pker there is.
I am by far the most respectable person in wild, I am a genuine solo pker. YES - I do not join in on big fights, since I'm NOT on any of the teams. Obviously I join in at ANY given moment, preferably if someone swirls away from the big fight, where from experience - I find it hard to win 8v1 if I go directly into big fight. Conclusion being that, those who run off the big fights are in 10/10 of ALL cases - always multiloggers, who decided that LITTERALLY 1 fight, where the main opposit team focused them - its better for them to use a char with full food, and with access to a large range of flats no problem.
So from what I've witnessed and this is a trend among especially those not involved with "Empire" is that - Empire runs in, focusses 1 guy for litterally 2 rounds before they shoot anyone they can. That one guy loses maybe 6 food, runs off, logs because Empire fails catch. Instantly logs on a diff char full food joins fight. Several people do this, jammy, beat, you, clito, you basically all do this behaviour. I decide to help the weaker team, often being the NON empire. Sometimes as in the case of the above screenshot - I helped Empire.
So yes, Jammy wasn't full food. On one image he hardly had any the other took maybe 10 or 15 catches, where he 2v1'd me, I was out of food myself at that point.
Fact is, big fights are happening, I cannot join it as it happens, since I wasn't invited by ANY of the teams, so I gear up as fast as I can and join where possible. Trying to estimate the losing team and helping the losing side.
People die ingame, thats what Pking is, being furious about it on forums and complaining on a Introduction thread is simply childish.
I do hardly play, the 117 is not mine, I helped train it. And I have free useage - Apparently Olly is friends with some people that I am not etc. and vice versa. Standard sharing problem. If you are not friends, just attack it. Whoever is on will fight or run, thats wilderness for you, you might get used to wildy once you've played for a while.
Anyways - heading out for dinner. Stop trying so hard not to look stupid, it has the opposit effect zazo and jammy.