61's Staker Event! Staker stat reduction!

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61's Staker Event! 35M+ In Prizes!

Celebrating Our New Fixed Staking Solution!

Get your lvl 61 Stakers In Training!


Must be lvl 61 Combat

Any build with No Mage, No Prayer!
[WITH (-1,0,+1) OFFSET]
No wined chars, read our (November Newsletter). Offsets explained!

You have over a week to build your staker,
There's plenty of time for anyone to make one!


Pink Phat, Black Mask, Santa Hat, 2M GP donated by Tadas for 1st 2nd 3rd
Sub Set donated by Mr White

61's Staker stat reduction!

If you have a staker build that you would like to adjust or maybe have some unwanted stats gained from quests, you can ask a moderator to get your stats adjusted for a fee.
Gold Subscription card can get you a up to 4 levels reduction;
Platinum Subscription card can get you a up to 10 levels reduction;


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deepstroke Send PM


Posts: 1

so the ppl that over train on dummies and do the quest are allowed?

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tadas Send PM


Posts: 245

deepstroke said:

so the ppl that over train on dummies and do the quest are allowed?

No wined accs he's gonna add an offset requirement. I don't think the quests you need for klanks, plate, dlong will give enough xp for it to be more then +1 offset

Last edited by tadas (10 Nov 2017 18:25)

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whitedragons Send PM


Posts: 15

ill donate a hoodie

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Mod Cash Send PM


Posts: 354

whitedragons said:

ill donate a hoodie


Mr White is donating a Sub Set and taking any other donations to add
Just hand the items you wish to donate to Mod White or any Mod you come across

I'll add them to the post eventually, Thanks!


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Dmxkobe8 Send PM


Posts: 6

Is this no prayer and no mage? or anything goes?

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Mod Cash Send PM


Posts: 354

Dmxkobe8 said:

Is this no prayer and no mage? or anything goes?

None, sry. I'll add to the post.


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MayDai Send PM


From: British Columbia, Canada
Posts: 21

Ready, Got my 61 staker ready over the Halloween event.
Who's already got a 61 ready?, Wouldn't mind testing it out.

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ReconOne Send PM


From: Edgeville:Recon Army Reporting
Posts: 403

I can test one of mine...maybe tomorrow some time, not sure when ill get home tonight, the other is still training.

Are the new rings going to be allowed? not sure if there is a way to see equipped rings, i know we can DM each other to view inventory to make sure.  Heard reflection rings reck low str people

I think obsidian ring would be the most of an issue..not sure if +1 power makes a difference in an extra hit, but 2 armor and aim could potentially.

Obsidian Ring
a. +2 armor, +2 weaponaim

Unholy Ring
a. +1 weaponpower, +1 prayer, +1 armor

Holy Ring
a) +3 prayer, +1 armor

Also is hardened plate top and bottom allowed or just rune?

Cost to build is dependant on:
Doing quests, minimum str you would have after doing Dragon slayer is 34 (gives ~20k xp and lvl 34 is 20,224 xp (kill him with 1 str..lol, thats a long fight).

1million to finish quest (no magic)

If you planned on subing to 30 str, thats a plat sub (about 2mil give or take). 

NOTE: i had two guys, one with 35 str (was wanting to keep this) second with 29, was planning on doing 30 (for two different builds)..miss-read that it gives Def and STR not def and attack xp..so my 35 went to 41, and my 29 went to 38.  So if planning on doing 40+ str do it at 29-30 str and it will jump you right about to 40, if you want 30, do it and plat sub down, if you want less than 30...buy rights, no physical way to get under doing quest.

Or if you plan on buying plate rights, thats 2 mil flat

WIth quest, cost = ~3 mil (seems a rip off...should cost less for doing work imo)
Without quest (buying rights), cost = ~2 mil for plate

If anyone actually pays for Lost city (dragon long) rather then doing sheep sheerer and gob diplomacy and then spinning 411 flax (about) you should quit Lol (JK)...easiest quest ever to finish, takes about 30-40 minutes for everything.

For klanks..dont think you can finish that quest without magic (pre-quests require it believe) and i dont think its actually worth it to stance dance between equipping plate and klanks, vs dancing def to att or def to str (correct me if im wrong my max hit testing in the rscrtools didnt seem to make it worth 1.5 mil).

If you buy a d axe...well you are just rich and have cash to burn so just buy it all and save some time smile

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Equip/cryptic /Anagram / Hard Dig locations  / Sets [img]https://snipboard.io/n4Bz9b.jpg[/img]

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Reines Send PM


Posts: 245

dam sucks to hard to make new accounts. else id use my 61 staker but its slightly wined


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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
Posts: 4,660

Too bad it's not dbl xp just for combat.


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Stolt Archer Send PM


Posts: 383

Reines said:

dam sucks to hard to make new accounts. else id use my 61 staker but its slightly wined

Maybe they can offer hp fixes for whined stakers

Former Pk Prodigy

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saumos Send PM


Posts: 1

is 60 defense really recommended? would i get wrecked wearing rune? is hardened rune aloud? what about obsidian rings?

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Alikben1 Send PM


From: Estonia/Australia
Posts: 128

Good one! I wish i could participate,but unfortionally i'll be working.


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Dead Mode Send PM


Posts: 2

what is that ???? wined etc ???? and what is that offset means ... non staker players have no idea big_smile

Last edited by Dead Mode (12 Nov 2017 02:27)

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Reines Send PM


Posts: 245

Can you adjust hp for me on a wined staker so I can participate?


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ReconOne Send PM


From: Edgeville:Recon Army Reporting
Posts: 403

Dead Mode said:

what is that ???? wined etc ???? and what is that offset means ... non staker players have no idea big_smile

Offset is the hp value for what the main stats should be.

For example, a lvl 13 that levels up using wine and boxing to only get Attack xp will have 40-1-1-10hp at lvl 13.  If you plug 40 attack into the calc you will come up with
40-1-1-30hp and should be level 18 not 13, so someone who wined would have a -20 hp offset (shown when they right click and duel).

Basically it means your combat stats dont match the formula for standard stats.  It could be from wining (if its -2-20+ or so) or simply from doing some quests that give extra att/str/def xp that gives you +1 stat but -1hp (the offset).

Likewise if you level 40-1-99 you will have 87 hp.  that is the base. If you continue leveling str  (wont ever level), and only get the HP xp, any extra HP will show a + offset.

One of my guys has 42-1-99-94 and shows a +7 offset since 94-87= 7 higher xp then expected for my melee stats.

+/-1 is allowed since just doing Dragon slayer / Vamp slayer will give you -1 due to the 8x xp bonus you get to str/att/def and none of that xp to HP.

Clue Help:
Equip/cryptic /Anagram / Hard Dig locations  / Sets [img]https://snipboard.io/n4Bz9b.jpg[/img]

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Mod Cash Send PM


Posts: 354

Reines said:

Can you adjust hp for me on a wined staker so I can participate?

This is possible. Get on Discord and PM Uncle.


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d o s e Send PM


Posts: 47

this is so fucking gay motherfuckers chaning rules at the end of the fucking deadline its fucking retarted pretty sure this event is rigged to fit a mods char or a modsmate.....