@yel@Start: @whi@Talk to Sir Amik Varze in the White Knights Castle
@yel@Difficulty: @whi@Easy
@yel@Length: @whi@Medium
@yel@Requirements: @whi@12 Quest Points, ability to defend against lvl-46 knights.
@yel@Items needed:@whi@Medium Bronze Helmet, Iron Chain Mail Body, Cabbage (not from Draynor)
@cya@Walkthrough :
@whi@Talk to @yel@Sir Amik Varze @whi@on the second floor of the White Knights Castle in Falador. Tell him you are seeking a quest and he'll say he needs some spy work done. The Black Knights are threatening to invade Falador with a secret weapon, and you must sabotage it.
Before heading to the Black Knights' Fortress, you'll need a @lre@cabbage@whi@, @lre@Medium Bronze Helmet@whi@, and an @lre@Iron Chain Mail Body@whi@. @lre@Cabbage@whi@ can be picked up near Lumbridge or near the Monastery. Do not pick up cabbage from Draynor Manor as this cabbage does not work in the quest. You can buy a @lre@Medium Bronze @lre@Helmet @whi@from @yel@Peksa @whi@in Barbarian Village and an @lre@Iron Chain Mail Body @whi@from @yel@Horvik the @yel@Armourer @whi@in Varrock or @yel@Wayne @whi@in Falador. Once you have these three items, head to the Black Knights' Fortress, located on the north side of Ice Mountain and west of the Monastery.
@whi@Equip your @lre@Medium Bronze Helmet @whi@and @lre@Iron Chain Mail Body @whi@and walk right in the east @cya@door@whi@. Once inside, go through the @cya@odd @cya@looking wall @whi@to the north and climb up the @cya@ladder@whi@. In this room, you'll notice a @cya@grill @whi@in the west end. Right-click it and select "listen" to listen to a conversation between a goblin named @yel@Greldo@whi@, a @yel@Witch@whi@, and a @yel@Black @yel@Knight@whi@. You'll hear them talking about an invincibility potion they're making which is missing the last ingredient, @lre@cabbage @whi@from Draynor Manor. However, any other @lre@cabbage @whi@will destroy the potion, which is your goal.
@whi@Climb back down the @cya@ladder@whi@, pass through the @cya@odd looking wall@Whi@, and enter the room west of you with the three @yel@Black Knights@whi@. Go through the room and go up the @cya@stairs @whi@leading to the second floor. Now climb the @cya@ladder @whi@to the top floor. Go through the @cya@odd looking wall @whi@to the north and use your @lre@cabbage @whi@on the @cya@hole@whi@. Be very careful not to eat the @lre@cabbage@whi@. You will hear the @yel@Witch @whi@"groan in dismay", revealing that the potion has been destroyed. Return to Falador and talk to @yel@Sir Amik Varze@whi@ to receive your reward for completing the quest.
@whi@3 Quest Points
2500 coins
- Jebby, Juzza, xox, Dragons Fury, exe - http://www.rscrevolution.com/ -
"errare humanum est, sed in errare perseverare diabolicum"