@yel@Start: @whi@Talk to King Narnode Shareen in The Grand Tree.
@yel@Difficulty: @whi@hard
@yel@Length: @whi@Medium-Long
@yel@Requirements: @whi@Agility level 25
@yel@Items needed: @whi@Recommended:@whi@ Armour, weapon, food and/or prayer potions to defeat a Black demon (lvl 175),1,000 coins @whi@if you didn't help Femi with the boxes
@yel@Monsters to kill: @whi@Black demon (level 175)
@yel@King Narnode Shareen @whi@will tell you that the tree seems to be dying. @whi@he will give you a @lre@Bark Sample @whi@ and a @lre@Tree gnome translation book @whi@ he will then tell you to visit @yel@Hazelmere
@yel@Hazelmere @whi@is located east of Yanille, across a bridge. (Caution: his island is covered in @yel@level 47 jungle spiders@whi@.) @yel@Hazelmere @whi@will not make sense to the player. @whi@After translating what he says, the player will need to repeat the message to the @yel@king@whi@. The message from @yel@Hazelmere @whi@says: "Human came with kings seal gave human daconia rock daconia rocks will kill tree."
@whi@After heading back to talk to the @yel@king @whi@he will tell you to speak to @yel@Glough @whi@The chief guardian (found up a ladder a tad south west of the spirit tree). @yel@Glough @whi@will blame humans. Return to the @yel@king@whi@. A human has been caught with the @lre@daconia rock @whi@and you must interrogate him. @yel@Charlie@whi@, located at the top of the Grand Tree tells you that @yel@Glough @whi@paid him to carry the letter to @yel@Hazelmere @whi@and transfer the rocks. Now search@yel@Glough@whi@'s home. In the cupboard the player will find @lre@Gloughs journal@whi@. Speak to @yel@Glough @whi@and you will be put in a cage. the @yel@king @whi@will free you and offer his glider service for you to escape as @yel@Glough @whi@has placed guards in the tree to prevent your escape. @whi@Head East of the crash site to the ship yard. The password is: "ka-lu-min". Talk to the @yel@Shipyard foreman @whi@on the docks. The @yel@Shipyard foreman @whi@will question you about @yel@Glough@whi@,
@whi@The answers are as follows: "His wife is no longer with us", "He loves worm holes", and "Anita".
@whi@Alternatively, you can answer incorrectly and kill the @yel@Shipyard foreman @whi@to obtain the @lre@invoice@whi@.
@whi@Go back to the Tree Gnome Stronghold and you won't be able to enter the gate. Speak to @yel@Femi @whi@to the left of the gate in order to sneak in. Return to the @yel@king @whi@and he will not believe you. Speak to @yel@Charlie @whi@in the jail at the top of the tree. He will tell you to speak to @yel@Anita @whi@who is found just west of the swamp (which is north west of the grand tree) to obtain @lre@Glough's key@whi@. Go to @yel@Glough@whi@'s @whi@house and use @lre@Glough's key @whi@on the chest to get another @lre@tree gnome translation book@whi@, and @lre@Glough's notes@whi@. take the items to the @yel@king@whi@.
@whi@The @yel@king @whi@will still not trust your "proof" and will give you four @lre@Pebbles @whi@found in @yel@Glough's @whi@possession.
@whi@Take these stones to the @cya@Watch Tower @whi@above @yel@Glough's @whi@house and use the stones on the @cya@stone stand@whi@.
The order from left to right is:"ho-ni-:::-ha" which spells open. Then press down on the @cya@stone stand@whi@.
@red@PREPARE TO FIGHT A POWERFUL BLACK DEMON! @whi@After preparing for the fight, return to the @cya@Watch Tower @whi@above @yel@Glough's @whi@house, and press down the @cya@Stone stand @whi@to reveal a @cya@hidden ladder@whi@. go down the ladder @yel@Glough @whi@will now summon a @yel@Black Demon (lvl 175) @whi@to attack you, kill the demon and find the @yel@king @whi@in the tunnel. (note: you will only be able to talk to the @yel@king @whi@in the tunnel, back in the tree he will not speak to you). After some conversation, you will be prompted to look for the @lre@daconia rock@whi@, it is located south-west of the @yel@king@whi@. return to the @yel@king @whi@with the stone and the quest is completed!
@whi@5 Quest points
Access to the mines in Grand Tree
Access to the Spirit Tree teleporters
Access to the gnome gliders
Agility Experience: (Level * 300 + 400) x Current Rate
Magic Experience: 2,800 x Current Rate
Attack Experience: (Level * 300 + 400) x Current Rate
- Jebby, Juzza, xox, Dragons Fury, exe - http://www.rscrevolution.com/ -
"errare humanum est, sed in errare perseverare diabolicum"