Many old games that once dominated the market, such as rscrevolution and WoW has long since been in decline, and lately it has been a trend for people to go back to the roots to get that hardcore nostalgic feeling - so which version are you going to provide them with, and at what cost?
I think most people who want to play these old games (i still play on a classic 1.12 vanilla wow server, instant 60, start with regular blues and gear up to t1-2 etc) like them for the content, and nostalgic feelings, but don't want to play the same exact game or play with the same old slooooow rates (kinda like the complaint about one wants to do underground I would say most of us that play here never had full maxed out characters back then? I know my old guy was in the 70s or so with 30-40s in every stat just because i could only play for a few hours after school.
Now how the firegiants work...I don't really see them as that great of a farming method for risk/gain. if you are going for xp, can easily go to dark wizards (hide behind the north fence), or range guild for more and next to zero risk (park a guy outside range guild so if anyone comes you can quickly log.
if its for loot..still if you have legends access its really worthless to go out there...legends = zero risk for same loot.
As for alter, either up at bandit (close enough to walk but most dont stand around there (maybe put it up on that walk way so you have to pass the 2 patrolling bandits?)) or inside the second corridor (east side between the two east rooms) so since most fight outside, they just have to walk past the few rats to re pray. Bank should be west of castle 15-25 squares (where it has been a few times).
Plus this is called revolution...which means overthrowing for something seen as better so it should have new things added to make it better, what those are exactly is up to debate.
::pkevent always open at castle random tp spot
Spawn should put you randomly anywhere around the castle about 5 tiles (not just on the west side of it) (less likely of having those who multi be able to "quickly" jump in if they were waiting in edge.
you can't even pk people that train
only thing i see wrong with this server ^^ Gotta pad those stats somehow huh? jk, sorta.
Good stuff...But yeah didnt they fix it so ranged damage keeps you in "combat"? Or was that just so you can't logout but can still port?
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