Replace Fire Giants at Castle

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Billy Send PM

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From: Ardougne
Posts: 2,997

People have been asking for a bank/altar at castle, the problem with this is that there are fire giants there so it would make the area overpowered for farming.

Would you rather
a) Keep Fire Giants at Castle courtyard
b) Replace them with a bank chest and altar in courtyard for PKers

or some other variation. Let us know your thoughts.

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Nyx Send PM


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Hi Billy, No don't put altar at castle, when the mods put one at bandits this is ok, but not right on castle it essentially kicks everyone in the face who has above 40 prayer, and wrecks everyone with range.

Bank chest is ok since it stops us having to keep going edge but needs some restrictions, the requiring to be skulled is good.

You could keep fire giants and bank chest as long as skulled, it's not good place to farm too much risk and you can't afk as active wild.

An Obe in edgeville would be good maybe one way, free of charge and take off mad whatever. Although it might make multi a bit too strong.

Last edited by Nyx (25 Sep 2017 06:51)

Some kind words from a fan

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Nyx Send PM


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Few more ideas

Add some wilderness quests, decent reward but 100% in the wilderness(add more traffic to wild).
Increase clue scroll locations in wilderness.
New better npcs in wilderness(something single person can take but epic rewards)(could even have where fort is and dump fort)
More general traffic is what we really need.


Things have been a big success lately the cast timer has been the most popular change ever made.

The green dragons are popular and getting action.

Clue scrolls are bringing more traffic.

Hardened rune in lava maze increased traffic.

Runes have been brought down to a fair price.

Things that have been changed are working.

Last edited by Nyx (25 Sep 2017 06:58)

Some kind words from a fan

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Billy Send PM

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From: Ardougne
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The action at castle is usually right outside the building, whereas the altar/bank in OP would be in the courtyard. Isn't it more annoying and slightly longer to have to walk through the halls/rats to the center, than to walk to the bandits entrance (which is the intention)?

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lol Billy Mays' Quest Reviews lol

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Nyx Send PM


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Billy said:

The action at castle is usually right outside the building, whereas the altar/bank in OP would be in the courtyard. Isn't it more annoying and slightly longer to have to walk through the halls/rats to the center, than to walk to the bandits entrance (which is the intention)?

It's hard to say if it will work so well in there, with the new obe more action has started inside, could always do as a trial and see, but still some worked hard for high pray shouldn't be made less of a thing.

Some kind words from a fan

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Stolt Archer Send PM


Posts: 383

::pkevent always open at castle random tp spot
Altar up at bandits
Bank chest somewhere outside castle, 30 sek timer after combat and needs skull.

Remove fire giants if They are a problem

Last edited by Stolt Archer (25 Sep 2017 15:46)

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i3lunt t0k3r Send PM


From: NJ
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Court yard alter and bank sounds opt you can't even pk people that train on the fire Giants because they telly out in combat on the fire Giants

Ignore the hate the fake and the funny shit

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Noliferqt Send PM


From: Sweden
Posts: 47

I'm sure some of you know my standpoint on things when it comes to balancing etc, but I'm going to go ahead and say it anyways, I'm heavily against anything that cater specific demographic, and I am also quite against things that isn't rscrevolution rscrevolution - as such my vote is a No.

And on a small sidenote, I think that Nyx brought up some good feedback on recent implentation, also think the focus should lie on balancing out the current state of the game, aswell as thinking about how you can attract new people to this server rather then serving the oldpeople.

Many old games that once dominated the market, such as rscrevolution and WoW has long since been in decline, and lately it has been a trend for people to go back to the roots to get that hardcore nostalgic feeling - so which version are you going to provide them with, and at what cost?

Last edited by Noliferqt (25 Sep 2017 18:29) aka. Nolifer <terrisluts>
normal rscrevolution aka. S a y u m i <Maxed>

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ReconOne Send PM


From: Edgeville:Recon Army Reporting
Posts: 403

Noliferqt said:

Many old games that once dominated the market, such as rscrevolution and WoW has long since been in decline, and lately it has been a trend for people to go back to the roots to get that hardcore nostalgic feeling - so which version are you going to provide them with, and at what cost?

I think most people who want to play these old games (i still play on a classic 1.12 vanilla wow server, instant 60, start with regular blues and gear up to t1-2 etc) like them for the content, and nostalgic feelings, but don't want to play the same exact game or play with the same old slooooow rates (kinda like the complaint about one wants to do underground  I would say most of us that play here never had full maxed out characters back then?  I know my old guy was in the 70s or so with 30-40s in every stat just because i could only play for a few hours after school.

Now how the firegiants work...I don't really see them as that great of a farming method for risk/gain.  if you are going for xp, can easily go to dark wizards (hide behind the north fence), or range guild for more and next to zero risk (park a guy outside range guild so if anyone comes you can quickly log.

if its for loot..still if you have legends access its really worthless to go out there...legends = zero risk for same loot.

As for alter, either up at bandit (close enough to walk but most dont stand around there (maybe put it up on that walk way so you have to pass the 2 patrolling bandits?)) or inside the second corridor (east side between the two east rooms) so since most fight outside, they just have to walk past the few rats to re pray.  Bank should be west of castle 15-25 squares (where it has been a few times). 

Plus this is called revolution...which means overthrowing for something seen as better so it should have new things added to make it better, what those are exactly is up to debate.

Stolt Archer said:

::pkevent always open at castle random tp spot

Spawn should put you randomly anywhere around the castle about 5 tiles (not just on the west side of it) (less likely of having those who multi be able to "quickly" jump in if they were waiting in edge.

i3lunt t0k3r said:

you can't even pk people that train

only thing i see wrong with this server ^^ Gotta pad those stats somehow huh? jk, sorta.

Good stuff...But yeah didnt they fix it so ranged damage keeps you in "combat"?  Or was that just so you can't logout but can still port?

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nyx2 Send PM


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ReconOne said:

i3lunt t0k3r said:

you can't even pk people that train

only thing i see wrong with this server ^^ Gotta pad those stats somehow huh? jk, sorta.

Good stuff...But yeah didnt they fix it so ranged damage keeps you in "combat"?  Or was that just so you can't logout but can still port?

You should pk people killing fire giants etc, this is the balance of the game, great stuff gets put in wild far better than outside the wild due to pkers, if pkers don't pk them, it's too easy and wrecks eco

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nyx2 Send PM


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Also billy please add more free tps to the wild tp guy, they should be free, we dont all keep cash on every acc, and why we being punished for anyway? let pkers pk

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Stolt Archer Send PM


Posts: 383

nyx2 said:

Also billy please add more free tps to the wild tp guy, they should be free, we dont all keep cash on every acc, and why we being punished for anyway? let pkers pk

Former Pk Prodigy