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Posts: 127

@yel@Start: @whi@Speak to Kangai Mau in Brimhaven
@yel@Difficulty: @whi@Easy
@yel@Length: @whi@Medium
@yel@Requirements: @whi@Level 21 Thieving
@yel@Items needed: @whi@120 coins for travelling, Ardougne teleport recommended.

@whi@Talk to the @yel@Kangai Mau @whi@in Brimhaven's restaurant, "the Shrimp and Parrot". After speaking with him, pay the @yel@Customs Official@whi@ 30 coins to take the boat to East Ardougne or teleport there. Now talk to @yel@Horacio @whi@outside the big house to the north-west of the market square. Ask him who he is and whether he gardens around the back. He will accidentally reveal that the code to the door is Handelmort's middle name.

Go north to @yel@Wizard Cromperty @whi@in the north-east part of Ardougne, talk to him about his inventions until he offers to teleport you. Accept, and you will be teleported to the depot. Search the other crates until you find an @lre@Address Label @whi@to Lord Handelmor, then use the @lre@label@whi@ on the other @cya@crate@whi@ that is not empty. Talk to the @yel@RPDT@whi@ employee, and ask about the @cya@crate@whi@. He will deliver it immediately. Leave the building and pick up the @lre@tourist guide@whi@ from the @cya@table@whi@ in the building south of the mansion. Handelmort's middle name will be found in the history section.

Go back to @yel@Wizard Cromperty@whi@, and ask to be teleported again; this time you will end up in the house. Use the passcode 'BRAD' to get past the first @cya@door@whi@. Picklock the second @cya@door@whi@, check the @cya@stairs@whi@ for traps before going up. Search the @cya@chest@whi@ to find the @lre@Tribal totem@whi@. Teleport out, or go down the @cya@stairs@whi@, go through the @cya@door@whi@ again and exit via the @cya@stairs@whi@, exiting through the sewers. Return the @lre@totem@whi@ to @yel@Kangai Mau@whi@ in Brimhaven for your reward.

@whi@1 quest point
Thieving Experience = (Level * 75 + 200) x Current Rate
5 Swordfish

Last edited by Mod Savage (24 Sep 2017 05:39)

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