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@yel@Start:@whi@ King Arthur in Camelot castle.
@yel@Difficulty:@whi@ Medium
@yel@Length:@whi@ Medium
@yel@Requirements: Another player to distract Arhein. Ability to defeat a lvl-58 evil knight.
@yel@Items needed:@whi@ Bread (can be obtained in east Falador monk's house), Bucket, Tinderbox, Bat bones (obtained during quest), Insect repellent (obtained during quest). Camelot, Falador, and amulet teleports are recommended.

Camelot Castle is located east of Seers Village and northwest of Catherby. Talk to @yel@King Arthur@whi@ to start the quest. Talk to @yel@Sir Gawain@whi@ and @yel@Sir Lancelot@whi@ to learn more about Keep LeFaye. @red@IMPORTANT:@whi@ Keep talking until one of them explains that Keep LeFaye receives deliveries by boat! Now go to the dock in southwest Catherby. Get another player to talk to @yel@Arhein@whi@. (If you don't have any friends to do this, try asking global chat or a player fishing in east Catherby). While he's distracted, stowaway on his @cya@ship@whi@.

Upon arrival, head past the @yel@Renegade knights (lvl-51)@whi@ up two flights of stairs to the top floor and defeat @yel@Sir Mordred (lvl-58)@whi@. When @yel@Morgan LeFaye@whi@ appears, spare his life to discover how to break the spell. After finishing all the dialogues, go back down one flight of @cya@stairs@whi@ and escape via the ladder to the west. Once outside, kill a nearby @yel@bat (lvl-32)@whi@ and pick up its @lre@bat bones@whi@. (Get a spare if you feel you may accidentally bury one.)

Go to Catherby and pick up the @lre@insect repellent@whi@ from the house north of the bank, and grab your @lre@bucket@whi@. Head to the @cya@beehives@whi@ west of Catherby, and use the @lre@insect repellent@whi@ on one, followed by the @lre@bucket@whi@ to get @lre@wax@whi@. Take the @lre@wax@whi@ to the @yel@Candle Maker@whi@ in the house west of Catherby bank and ask about black candles. Speak to him again with the @lre@bucket of wax@whi@ and he will hand you a @lre@black candle@whi@.

Head to the lake south of Taverly and talk to the @yel@Lady@whi@ on the peninsula about @lre@Excalibur@whi@. Walk into Grum's Gold Exchange in Port Sarim. A @yel@beggar@whi@ will spawn when you try to open the @cya@door@whi@. Give the @yel@beggar@whi@ the @lre@bread@whi@, and he will transform to the @yel@Lady@whi@, who then gives you @lre@Excalibur@whi@. (Note: If you do this section multiple times, you can obtain multiple Excaliburs@whi@.)

Now, taking the proper precautions, go to the Chaos Temple in level-11 Wilderness, north of Varrock. Search the @cya@altar@whi@ to find the magic words: "Snarthon Candtrick Termanto." Go back to Camelot, and head north-east around the castle until you find a @cya@pentagram@whi@. Light your @lre@black candle@whi@ with a @lre@tinderbox@whi@, drop the @lre@bat bones@whi@ on the @cya@pentagram@whi@, and use the magic words to vanquish @yel@Thrantax@whi@. (Note: If you use the wrong words, you will briefly fight him and then have to do this section over again.) Head up the castle's south-east tower and use @lre@Excalibur@whi@ on @yel@Merlin@whi@ to free him from the @cya@giant crystal@whi@, and then speak to @yel@King Arthur@whi@ to complete the quest.

6 Quest Points
Ability to start Holy Grail Quest