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@yel@Start: @whi@Talk to Doric (north of Falador)
@yel@Difficulty: @whi@Easy
@yel@Length: @whi@Short
@yel@Requirements: @whi@15 mining is recommended
@yel@Items needed: @whi@6 Clay, 4 Copper Ore, 2 Iron Ore

@whi@Talk to @yel@Doric @whi@north of Falador and east of Taverly. He will ask you to get him @lre@6 clay@whi@, @lre@4 copper ore@whi@, and @lre@2 iron ore@whi@ before you may use his @cya@anvil@whi@.

Head to the Dwarven Mines (enter at East Falador stairs or the ladder south of Oracle's ice mountain) and mine @lre@6 clay@whi@, @lre@4 copper ore@whi@ and @lre@2 iron ore@whi@ there, if you didn't already have them. @cya@Iron rocks@whi@, @cya@copper rocks@whi@, and @cya@clay rocks@whi@ are all just a short walk away from the ladder entrance. Note that if you wander off in the mine, you'll encounter aggressive @yel@Scorpions@whi@ and @yel@King Scorpions@whi@ that will be tough for low level players to defeat.

Return to @yel@Doric@whi@ when you have got all of the ore and you will receive your reward.

1 Quest Point
@whi@Mining experience = 1300 x Current Rate
180 coins
Ability to use Doric's anvil

Last edited by Mod Cash (22 Sep 2017 05:00)
