Hi! I'm new to rscrevolution, but I have played rscrevolution on and off since about 2001 (before member was released)
This will be my progress blog, just to keep track of my own progress and highlighted drop log.
Character created: 1 Sept 2017
Current stats: http://www.rscrevolution.com/highscore.php?user=Nolifer
* Total level: 1260
* Attack 99
* Defense 99
* Strength 99
* Hits 99
* Ranged 70
* Prayer 45
* Magic 71
* Cooking 80
* Woodcut 75
* Fletching 72
* Fishing 87
* Firemaking 60
* Crafting 53
* Smithing 45
* Mining 60
* Herblaw 35
* Agility 50
* Thieving 62
[Drop log:]
[Milestones] 1 Sept -> x
4 September
Total: 800
Lost City - Quest
7 September
Shield of Arrav - Quest
Family Crest - Quest
Dragon Slayer - Quest
9 September
Total Level: 1000
Strength 99!
15 September
Total Level: 1100
18 September
Attack 99!
22 September
Defence 99!
Hitpoints 99!
24 September
Total Level: 1200
//Donations and feedback are always welcome as it has been a very long time ago since I played RSC.