Obviously the fort isn't working in it's current state but i think it could.
I think the main problem is it's always there, what if it was only open for 4 hours per day? 2 hours at one time, 2 hours at another, gave double resources and was redesigned? and automatically comes to no team if no one is there for 10 minutes.
The design is bad, it's too close only option to run away is south, since east is then just straight up or down. The south exit is then blocked by chaos dwarfs to the west side. Nothing worse than fighting in a box.
The design needs to be fully open, no moats, no walls, no npcs grabbing people. Just some ruins would be ideal.
A limited time would mean people would actually go there for the 2 hours rather than it be sat empty with no one, or worse one person sat their farming with no challenge. Double noted resources wouldn't matter as it would be limited time and be more worth people going for.
Also possibility of whoever holds it after the 2 hours is up the team holding could be given 5k fires, 5k airs, 5k deaths, 100 emerald rings, 1k swordies.
Maybe allow multi ip? but no parking?
Some kind words from a fan