pass on that one sorry bruva
edit- but I would still like to hear the prices, even for things like the Scythe. its been a whole year since I was online so I've got absolutely no clue as to what any prices are. I definitely won't be selling things like the cracker or party hat if someone comes at me saying "10m"... I'm not a moron, just haven't played in a while and I've noticed rares and subscription cards have doubled in price while things like Sharks and other commonly obtained items via skills or mobs have gone down to a third of their prices last year. So I'm just curious
was surprised to see 0 orange party hats, original easter eggs, and white christmas crackers in the auction house. figured I'd post this on forums to get an idea instead of just spamming general chat 1 time every 20 seconds xD
also if anyone knows the current prices of ANY rares, or things like dragonstones, cooked sharks, unid herbs, blood/soul/death/chaos runes, gold bars..... or any other items used in skills, I would definitely appreciate it
hopefully theres a pricing guide somewhere and im just missing not seeing it!
Leader of the "All players level 90+ should bring a Silverlight to Black Demons for day in Edgeville Dungeon rather than fucking 3 item for weeks training in the wilderness" Movement