LOL, this post says so much about you, everyone knows thats a 5v1 aka tractor style! Make a vid where anyone of you boys own him 1v1 ill pay 5 mil gp to that person
no respect, no honor for the people who paved the way and made this shit poppin
you are right tho and I heard Gamble was recording the whole time and has some hilarious tractor fails and 1 vs x kills which I'm looking forward to seeing posted in this thread so I can have a lil' giggle at just how pathetic this ''tractor'' alliance really is. If anyone needs me I'll be PKing with real PKers lol not washed up 16 year old rs2 nerds.
If you ask Gamble, and he's honest and doesn't try to keep his E-peenis hard.. I have caught him dead 1v1 numerous times. It's really not even a challenge to 1v1 Gamble. Yes,I'll admit the first kill in the pic above was a 3v1 but, he did talk shit in global before hand, he did walk all the way out to fort knowing and seeing us there.. he did also make the fatal mistake of trying to target me, best ninja.. I mean c'mon Gamble.. I'm best fuckin ninja bro.. what u trying to do really? Having said that, I logged after the first kill so can't comment on the 2nd.. Just happy to see his name on killfeed the humongous imbecile.
Best ninja 2001-2017 - Shinobi