Hello everyone!
Got too few 33's to fight? Too few 50-70 pures? No flats online? People poor or too scared to risk their fortune?
I got a solution!
Create low level mages, like the ones crowding Varrock Wild and Edge Border back on the original servers!
20 magic, 10 hits, all other stats 1 gives you are combat level of 5.875, you can cast Fire Strike (4 dmg max hit) or Wind Bolt to varying success (Max Hit 5) !
28 magic gives you a maxed out level 6 character, and every 8 magic levels gives you another combat level.
It takes about 1 minute to create a level 5 or 6 Wizard, but it is tons of fun if we can get the ball going!
I've played on many free servers, but this one seems to have the most accurate recplication of magic overall. Fail rates, hits and 0's, and it could also be really fun with the new Emerald Rings (And the Mage's Ring, if people are willing to risk it!)
I enjoyed PKing with low level mages a ton in original RSC, aswell as my lvl 35 a2h pure and 50-60 PBs, and 80-Rune pures, and it is not so much the loot (which is rather insignificant on here anyway) so much as the thrill of the kill!
Even if you didn't try it out alot, or ever, make a mage and hop on and join the action if there is no other - You'll have a blast! (or a bolt, or a strike.. Yeah you know what I mean!)
// Accentus