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Tieberian101 Send PM


Posts: 3

Hey everyone! Long time fan of the real classic version of rscrevolution and I'm glad to see someone is still hosting a classic server version of the game. Like many of you I started playing the game at a young age back when it started out with pre-wildy, the best equipment was Rune and there were less than 1000 players on each server.

I already have a ton of questions starting out and honestly navigating the forums have been kind of frustrating, if anyone has any tips for finding out what I need on the forums so I don't have to pester players in game for advice then I'm all ears.

-What are teams? What bonuses do we get?
-What are the chat functions? I don't like to switch over to "Global" or "Team" just to be swapped back to All because I'm Mining, is there something I can put in the chat box to automatically have the message go to Global, Party, or Team?
-Can someone briefly explain events or point me in the direction where I can read up on events, is there any event I should avoid as a noob?
-I have a high resolution monitor so when I'm playing on a full screen window I can see the icons for the map, inventory, quests, and all the other fun stuff are relatively small. Is there a setting I can control to make the icons at the top right bigger and the chat box a bit bigger.
-The game has a lot of the classic stuff that I love but can anyone give me a brief rundown of what different from this version to the classic or point me somewhere where I can read up on it.
-What's the best strength/attack/defense ratio?

I moderate forums on another game and I am very board heavy so expect to see me here often. Please have patience as I ask what might be silly questions until I get my footing. Thanks smile

Edit: Also any tips and tricks are appreciated as well!

Last edited by Tieberian101 (27 Apr 2017 03:49)

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CrowdKilla Send PM


Posts: 24

Teams give you perks, the higher level in whatever you're training in the team. Fishing for instance you have an ability that makes it so if you have a full inventory bank notes of that item are made rsther than unnoted so you can afk for longer.not sure what else tho. That's it AFAIK but then again I'm a noob still lol.

There's an option in the settings to make it so the chat stays on whatever you want it to stay on and you would be able to manually switch chats that way.

No there isn't a way to change text size or icon sizes etc AFAIK but that is a good idea. Post it in the suggestion section of the forum lol tongue 

There are new items In the game such as skill capes, enchanted rings, a new boss, teams, and events. Also subs which you can buy in game or donate Irl cash for that give you certain perks in game like a longer afk time and a bit higher xp rates. Probably some other things I'm missing but I'm also a noob like I said. I've been playing for a month. Just check out the update section on the front t page or do some asking in game.

Best ratio depends on the kind of account you want to build really. So that's up to your personal preference.

Enjoy the server tho it's a ton of fun I've played daily since I found out about it a month ago. Have a good time tongue

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ConeyMontana Send PM


From: CU$E
Posts: 217


This should help alot. Also join us on discord i think theres a link on the main page. Hope to see u in game


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Tieberian101 Send PM


Posts: 3

ConeyMontana said:


This should help alot. Also join us on discord i think theres a link on the main page. Hope to see u in game

That did answer a lot of my questions, thank you! It took some Where's-Waldo type searching (control+F) but I was able to find the tiny Discord link

I'll probably ask more questions later on, appreciate the warm welcome and helpful responses guys!

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Tieberian101 Send PM


Posts: 3


Is there anything I can do to have the icons at the top right and the chat window at the bottom left to be a little bigger?

Can't post image since I have less than 10 posts.

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ConeyMontana Send PM


From: CU$E
Posts: 217

Yeah I wouldn't  recommend playing on full screen.