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HoodedMagic Send PM


Posts: 87

First, I want to say I love this game. Started In 01 and quit when RS2 came out.
Now with that being said, I believe for this game to advance and keep a good player base its need updated or improving just like if The makers was to continue RSC.
Now, the territory. Amazing idea! And great step.
But that focuses really on higher level players etc.
we need something everyone can't enjoy.
Like new weapons/armor.
Trimmed armor?
A whole new class of armor. Who knows.
Just thought I would make my suggestions.
I love the movement this site is going and the development route it's going.
I'm not saying it's something we need asap.
But maybe something in the pipeline.
Just food for thought.

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fmlbruh Send PM


Posts: 111

We need something everyone cant enjoy! Haha. I hope thats not what you meant!

Territory is only one of the many things they have added. But Part of my suggestion why red skull shouldnt mean u can attack 3-123. If ur not flats its pointless right now. And alot of us pkers have alts we have skills on. We dont care to max our mains stats as much as we want to make sure we have a couple fishers.

I agree with doing trimmed armour. And i think there needs to be a full set of ranging gear.

One of thw things id love to see is the evening up of weapons. And finishing the release of dragon excluding platebody large helm and 2h. I dont think those belong in classic. Based on how our combat style works. They just will never fit. However all other weapons should be. Mace scimitar hatchet dagger etc. All would be good.

And a simple way to even up all weapons

Scimitars more acurate then long but slightly less power

Maces little more aim than battle axe but less power.

Make daggers hit 2x per round but make sure that they can only hit low. Can still be poisoned.

I.e. someone who can hit 29 with r2h should hit like 10 max with dagger and can have poison.

Shortswords should also be 2x per round. But hit less than 2h of its class. I.e.r2h hits 29 shortsword should hit 14s max.

It would take alot of work but its the simplest solution to weapons being uneven.

Alsocan maybe raise some of their base price rates. Rune bar will cost ya about 15k so all 1 bar items maybe 11k base price minimum and go from there? That is only semi nessecary and would depend on what the community thinks imo.

Want to make new quests billy? Think about the cool new quests you can make to complete the dragon weps lineup.

And it would really spice things up in wildy with new styles of play. With nothing being any more op than it already is. Since r2h stays best f2p and dragon axe is still best p2p item. I cant see why anyone would be against this.

Also i think alot of people from rs2 / never played classic are turned away by the fact 2hs are only useful weps

Last edited by fmlbruh (1 Apr 2017 13:53)