Hey guys, old RSC vet here, haven't played in a very long time. I played the original RSC for quite some time, all the way through RS2 and basically until bots took over.. After that I kind of took a break from games, but always found myself on some private servers like RSD and turnip Pk.. It's been close to 4 or 5 years since i've last checked one out. After doing some research, I saw a lot of good things about this server, and after browsing the forums, I'd like to say I'm extremely excited. So if anyone would like to add me in game, i'll be on quite often and would love to chat while playing. Also, looking for some information on whats the easiest way to get started making gold or the quickest way. Thanks again, super excited to see what this community is all about. If you want to add me, IGN is Option. Thanks!