[Completed] 16 Feb 33s Tournament

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Billy Send PM

Former Admin

From: Ardougne
Posts: 2,997

We had 12 people show up so we did (3v3)x2 to narrow it down, ended up with four people. Did (1v1)x2 for semifinals and winners went to 1v1 for finals.

(I realize this scenario was not favorable to yellow team and will learn from that mistake xD)

[img]https://i.imgur.com/3xbQmDo.gif[/img]Read the rules: Automated play is a bannable offense![img]https://i.imgur.com/HtElPYg.gif[/img]
lol Billy Mays' Quest Reviews lol

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E1R0Y666 Send PM


Posts: 19

Now, that looks fun and all. And I def want to find a team for the next. But more importantly..... That track, damn. Who/what made such noises as to make do these ungodly things in my britches!?!?!?

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Billy Send PM

Former Admin

From: Ardougne
Posts: 2,997

E1R0Y666 said:

Now, that looks fun and all. And I def want to find a team for the next. But more importantly..... That track, damn. Who/what made such noises as to make do these ungodly things in my britches!?!?!?

Nothing compared to what's coming!

[img]https://i.imgur.com/3xbQmDo.gif[/img]Read the rules: Automated play is a bannable offense![img]https://i.imgur.com/HtElPYg.gif[/img]
lol Billy Mays' Quest Reviews lol